The immorality of “Elite Leeches” - page 2


Not a rules.

Just some thinkings.


I had 3 cases only for more that one year. All the problems were solved. Last case was described on this thread: author has sent the messages not to me and I got his messages yesterday only. Usually I am reacting very quickly. Too quickly somethines than it may be necessary.

To Sellers.

If you are author of some system or indicator so you/your customers only know about it. No one seller will disclose the system. In some cases the author only can say: it is his system posted/plagiarism and so on. We do not have problem with this in our forum. Because I am re-acting very quickly.

But, please:

- send the message to me only because I am only one who are deleting here;

- please send "good messages". Do not try to f ... anybody (and me) by private messages: I don't like it.

- prove your authorship (we had one case already where two people (Russian and Canadian) said independently that they are authors of some famious EA and finally one of claimant posted open source of his EA - everybody knows what I am talking about);

- any co-operation if it will be good for forum members;

- i personally have more than enough systems/EAs/indicators inside my computer so I do not need any of your EA/indicator/source code or any. But there are many members and there are many people so if you, seller, do not want to disclose something for me so may be you have some friends/customers who are members of our forum. Because we have demicracy here.

- if you are posting something in commercial section for the first time so please read the commercial rules first (posted in commercial section). Otherwise I will delete commercial threads.

- sellers who are having commercial thread, please keep just one thread only. Don't dublicate the threads.

To all members.

Please do not promote the systems/EAs/indicators which were not developed inside our forum. We have enough systems developed here. If you need it, or you find something good which is not developed inside our forum community so please contact with me first. We had one good case when people found some good indicator for Harmonic section and I invited the author (Nen) to visit our forum. Please contact with me and I will try to get authors at least for some period of time.

Elite section.

About elite section members may read this post

Elite section is the place related to the forum. It is not my commercial place. It is part of our forum.

Developments in elite section.

We have two thread with development of manual trading systems: my new asctrend thread (will be posted in public) and EA Switcher (some part of this system will be posted in public - Braintrading alarm/signal indicator for example). Some other developments are going on which other people started: Terminator 1st and second versions and so on. Most of EAs were developed inside elite section according to ideas created inside elite section. Sometimes coders are posting EAs to elite section only created according to their own ideas (Step EAs for example).

Generaly we are not catching ideas from public for elite implementation.

We have the other problems:

- quality of ideas;

- lack of coders.

Sorry, we are not the factory. Not yet.

As many members suggested we will have more manual trading systems development in elite section.


We have democracy on the forum. Anybody is having the right to express any opinion.

Just one example: there were two testers who had opinion different from my opinion. One express his opinion in Goldwarrior public thread by testing results with many brokers. The other one recognized that iTrend indicator (I used as a filter in Brainwashing EAs) is performing diferently with different brokers. They did it by forward testing. They are testers. They opinion were different from my opinion. And because of that I was one who promoted them to get free membership in elite section. I never take anything personally. So feel free.

Market sections.

People are visiting commercial secton and may see that some members are selling the systems. And in most cases the sellers:

- are not part of our community;

- did not contribute our forum;

- try to sell something under first post on our forum.

I think we should have some kind of market place.

I may explain. First step was when we made suggestion that sections originators are having the right to sell inside their sections. Second step is to create market forum where members and senior members (our people, our community members) will have possibility to sell something.

If we implement it so our people will sell. Members of our comminuty will sell.

People from our community should have more right to use this forum than people who came here just to sell.

And as a results any members of our forum community will have a right to have his personal elite section.

And in this case ideas which FX_Sniper posted here and in some other thread may be very usefull and may be implemented. Because we will have exact opposite situation: our members will sell something developed here and we will need to secure them.

Please understand that we are community here.


Sorry FX_Sniper we did the posts in the same time.

I did not see your post when I was typing.

I think we agree between each other: my ideas are similar with yours.


....And as a results any members of our forum community will have a right to have his personal elite section.....


What do you mean by this? Is it possible for a members to have private rooms for development of idears? Away from all the traffic?

I do have to say that things were better here at the time I join then they are now. It seam that there was more experienced people arround then, then there is now. I started at MoneyTec and left because of all the scams there. StrategyBuilder was nice for a while, it had a lot of people that understold coding, but slowly the scamers move in there too. Never liked FF as, to meny people looking for .... think I wount say any more

I have noticed that this forum is slow going the same way. When things start to go bad the experienced people start to drift away or like me set back and dont get invaled. Do like the private section idear.

The CockeyedCowboy


What do you mean by this? Is it possible for a members to have private rooms for development of idears? Away from all the traffic?

I do have to say that things were better here at the time I join then they are now. It seam that there was more experienced people arround then, then there is now. I started at MoneyTec and left because of all the scams there. StrategyBuilder was nice for a while, it had a lot of people that understold coding, but slowly the scamers move in there too. Never liked FF as, to meny people looking for .... think I wount say any more

I have noticed that this forum is slow going the same way. When things start to go bad the experienced people start to drift away or like me set back and dont get invaled. Do like the private section idear.

The CockeyedCowboy

But how to solve the problems?

By private section ...

May be some other ideas

Because we have the following now:

- many experienced good people are creating trading systems here for free for everybody and because of that we have good number of members on the forum;

- but on the same time some people just came to our forum. Just to sell only. And some of them are not part of our community. They are using everything, all the options which the other people created for free. They are using all our members database for selling. They did not contribute. They sell.

But in the same time the other experienced good people are continuing the free development...

Just imagine that you created some popular system on this forum for free. And you are maintaining this system. For free as well. And we have many members in the forum who came to see and to download your system/indicators or whatever.

And in the same time some people came to the forum just to sell only. So, you are developing for free, they are selling for money. You are more developing, they are more selling. On the same forum. Using the same database of people. Using the same administrators and moderators. Using the same security against copywrite violation.

I know you because of posts.

But I do not know them!

Just visit the sections and you will understand: some fund is creating for Phoenix; where is Kamyar?; where is harmonic pattern indicator developed inside our forum?; some problems with Braintrading section which is related to me: difficult to create alarm for all the rules - lack of coders.

And so on and so on.

But in the same time some members registered in our forum just to sell something which was not related to our forum at all.

We need to give a chance to our people, to our community.

Otherwise good experienced people will go out.

And i will be alone (quite alone) speaking with myself as it was one year ago already

May be, not private room.

But ... just something.

I watched some movie about american NBA yesterday. They had the same problems before

...I do have to say that things were better here at the time I join then they are now. It seam that there was more experienced people arround then, then there is now. I started at MoneyTec and left because of all the scams there. StrategyBuilder was nice for a while, it had a lot of people that understold coding, but slowly the scamers move in there too. Never liked FF as, to meny people looking for .... think I wount say any more I have noticed that this forum is slow going the same way. When things start to go bad the experienced people start to drift away or like me set back and dont get invaled. Do like the private section idear.

Hey there,

You are 100% correct. This is the typical forum cycle. I have explained this in detail some time ago also and warned that it would start happening here also.

Coincidently, we seem to have had a parallel journey down the forum lane, with regards to Forex, I also started out at Moneytec, then it went to hell, I mean just go look at the age of some of those posts, you are a “cowboy” you should know all about “ghost towns” that’s Moneytec for you, then I tried SBFX, they went all commercial and pawning their brokerage, plus their servers speed went to shit with all the Google spying on usage etc…apart from the obvious, the quality of posters etc. is just like you say here, it starts off with some good people who have something of value to share and in due course the whole place collapses as the vendors are allowed to sneak in and the newbie’s are allowed to get out of control with their requests which starts to annoy the crap out of the coders and more senior members who consequently just run for the doors and try to find some other community.

That all said, I do however believe that it is possible to preserve quality in a forum by managing and moderating it properly. This is why I took the time to post all my replies and suggestions above, and I am glad to see that NewDigital and I am now on the same page and see eye to eye on this also.

Once more, get rid of ALL commercialization, we do not need it here, it is opposing our spirit of free giving, start enforcing rules, split the crowd up a bit, beginners one side, pro’s other side, have some middle ground where the two groups can interact without moving into each others separate space and without having real fences… this all can be done with little effort. Make a request section where all request can be placed by whoever wants to, instead of having all the stuff jumbled together, sometimes I really do not want to see all this: I need help this and I need help that, and code this and code that bla-bla-bla… put all that in one place, so if I feel like helping out at the development counter today, I just pop over to the request board and pick a task or two. Keep system discussions separate and orderly…I know there are divesions here, but you can not honestly say it is very orderly…

I know I am criticizing a lot here, but I am willing to be part of the solution also as already indicated and I am making suggestions also and I also know from a personal perspective why I would choose to leave a forum or stay at one…

Come on NewDigital, put on your Sheriff Badge and lets get things in shape.

Ok you lot, Euro is in one of her indecisive moods, so no pips yet


FX Sniper


Probable we need to create the section in the forum related to all the requests. At least to sort them out. Because this one section is not enough already.

Just to separate "alarm requests" from trading systems, and from EAs, and from indicators.

Or may be subforum.


More valuable in this forum is the sections

Some systems are ready to be a section. We know those systems. And i think some coders may have the section already (I mean people who coded many indicators inside our forum for example).

Will see.

So I was talking about the sections: if they need commercial place - they will get it, if they need some private/commercal/development rooms/market subsection we will try to organize it, and so on.

It should be like this.

This section's structure works.

It works now.