Forex Trading With Simple Setup - page 11

Hi Ramdas,

Got a question. Do you always trade towards SMA2400? Some sort of bias is easier to look for pattern.

btw, must say your price action is very interesting. I'm checking this thread everyday.



Hi jackt

SMA2400 and sma600 good support and resistance. so it is good to take trades at those point

Best Regards



Hello ramdas,

Thanks for sharing your system and very intersting trading insight.

Best Regards,


Hello ramdas,

Thanks for sharing your system and very intersting trading insight.

Best Regards,


Hi Havoc,

Yes system is interesting,

Attached GBP/USD chart's shows price movement on 1min chart and same movement on 5min chart. It is interesting to see price dynamics on both time frame.

Best Regards


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gbp_usd_34.gif  18 kb

Happy New Year 2007.....

Hello Friends,

Wish you Happy New Year 2007...

To our many Friends around the World.

Best Regards,



EUR/USD bad sell spot ..Continuation chart.

Hello everyone,

Attached chart shows current E/U movement

Sell Pattern has form, But it is BAD Sell spot since all other SMA600, SMA2400 are near and there is less pip's potential.

Chart is posted to show avide such spot.

Best Regards


Hello Everyone,

This is with referance to post 97, 98,

Attched two chart shows continuation chart

I had mention BAD sell point in post 97.

You can check what happen ahead.

Best Regards


eur_usd_32.gif  16 kb
eur_usd_36.gif  24 kb

hi ramdas

can u check this chart attachment why its so hard for prices to touch support sma600..

blue = sma2400

red = sma600

yellow = sma300

green = sma150

pink = sma50

res = sma5

n happy new year for you too

aqaq.bmp  1090 kb
hi ramdas

can u check this chart attachment why its so hard for prices to touch support sma600..

blue = sma2400

red = sma600

yellow = sma300

green = sma150

pink = sma50

res = sma5

n happy new year for you too

Hi Rizan

Thanks for asking good question.

I have attached EUR/USD chart with three timeframe. 5min,15min & 1Hr.

let us see what chart say on each time frame.

Mark spot on chart's suggest good buy point where price retrach on trend reversal.

If you look at 1Hr chart...You will see sma300 which was acting as Resistance. is taken out with Higher Low on 28Th. price did not touch previous low and cross above sma300.

After this... on 1Hr chart... trader wait for good buy point since UP movement has taken shape on 1Hr.. they look at chart saw SMA50 on 1Hr chart is best buy point... price touch sma50. on 1Hr Chart. and long pos start building up at that point.

How it looks on 15min & 5min Chart.

If you look at 15Min chart...and 5min chart..

On 15minchart sma2400 was action as sell point. so when before price touch sma50 on 1Hr chart it touch sma2400 area on 15min. that is 1.3201

and fall back to 1.3130 this spot is SMA50 Touch on 1Hr and sma300 Touch on 15min and same spot is sma300 & sma600 Touch on 5min also.

there is no SMA below this mark spot.

Regarding your question with referance to your chart ..there is only 8pip differance between sma600 and sma2400. on 5min chart and figure 1.3150.. is playing roll... since trader wait for such figure to touch. in up trend. if 50 was broken then price will open way to touch 25 and up trend will get disturb. so trader do not wish to sell below 50 since sma600 reside at 1.3145 and very less potential ,, so who will take risk to sell below 1.3150 for 5pips ?????? and before that sma2400 is there along with daily pivote point at same point that is 1.3152.

and as you can see on chart price again rebound from sma2400.

Best Regards


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Gracias Gus, Feliz Año Nuevo desde España tambien a todos !

Thanks Ramdas for sharing your knowledge and your willing to improve the knowledge of the others !

Let me know what you think of such a presentation of your Setup, looking at the USD/YEN it would seem to me we could have a rebound at the 118.90 level and then go for the 118.55

Hi cbueno,

Your setup is perfect, it is sma50 on different time frame.

if you look at my post 58 where is have explain what the setup is. it is same as what chart you have posted. In my initial stage i was using same setup as you have posted.

Question comes in mind why i have shifted to setup which i have posted in Post 1.What are the reasons ?

Reasons are..If you look at 5 different time frame 5 chart's , it covers whole screen, and it apeares as 5 different pictures of price. on my setup i have combine 5 different Cut pictures in to one, so that we can see one picture, Price which was apearing choppy.... start apearing very logical on lower time frame. price remain same, I have change vision to look at it.

And with this setup i am looking at price map ahead as a single picture.

Another most important Reason is. we have to look at other currency pair also. since movement of one currency pair affect movement of another pair. so we have to keep watch on another pair also to understand picture as a whole.

In post 24 i have shown screen shoot of my setup, which consist of six pairs.

"So things are there....we need to change over vision to look at it"

Best Regards
