Forex Trading With Simple Setup - page 4


GBP/USD chart with comments

Hello everyone,

Here is GBP/USD chart , Pl refer comments on chart.

Best Regards


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GBP/USD chart and EUR/USD chart with UP pattern

Hello Everyone,

GBP/USD chart and EUR/USD chart with UP pattern.

PL Refer attachement and check for UP pattern.. this is clean UP pattern.

You can check very precise entry point.

I personaly did not belive as price could rise further after so much good up movement. But chart and price pattern suggested UP pattern and price rise with good pips.

Pl feel free to post your observations and comments.

You can post your chart.

Best Regards


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eur_usd.gif  22 kb
Dear newt.

i have given setup in post 1, it is simple 5min chart. and same setup wokrks on 1Min Chart also..when market is moving fast you can check 1min chart. main thing is observing UP and down pattern. which i have posted in post 8 if you just observe that pattern. that is enough.

explanation of pattern is...when price goes above sma50 (5min chart) it suddenly drop and touch sma50 and then rebound from sma50(red color) and goes up..this gives indication as price want to move up. and warning for short pos. only trade clear pattern.. ensure next sma600 is sufficient away to give sufficient pips.. each sma is important in this setup..if you just observe this setup for some can easly unserstand price dynamic how price moves in between these SMA. If all sma come togather within 20 to 30pips then there is strong breakout ahead.

I trade this setup with main currency..JPY EUR, GBP USD & CHF

for this currency i trade USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY, EUR/USD USD/CHF,GBP/USD, I Observed this currency forms good patern which i mention. if you find ay other pair which is good to trade with this pl share.

also if you obsere any other paterns the pl share.

main thing is understanding price setiment which is reflected on chart as price action. there are times when price is news driven and price do not follow any setup ..but after that momuntum gets cool price follow setup.

what i observe on this setup is.. many times sma600 and sma2400 act as good support and resistance.

Best Regards


thanks,im following your thread slowly

i'll post my observation...


uptrend formation?

still learning to recognise the pattern


Hi Ramdas. Excellent observation dynamics of a price movement. How long do you trade those patterns?


uptrend formation? still learning to recognise the pattern

Hi newt,

you are correct.. chart posted is perfect. price cross above sma50 then tested sma300 and again tested sma50 and again gone up cross above sma300 and again drop to sma50 and then then sudden rise and trend start. second tick is exact buy point. where smart trader go long.. that is why price has gone up and continue up. this is the pattern one should observe. first target is sma2400touch.where one need to exit trade and wait for further price action or book partial profit and wait further action.

You can check how precise is the entry point.. with very minimum pips risk.

Best Regards


Hi Ramdas. Excellent observation dynamics of a price movement. How long do you trade those patterns? viat

Hi Viat,

I started spoting such price behaviour 8month before.

But at that time i was not using SMA.. then i do lot of observation.

spend lot of day's and night in observing price action.

and last three month after doing lot of experiment i come to this setup.

But fact is.... setup works. and that is important.

Best Regards



GBP/USD Price dynamic old chart

Hello Everyone,

I have attached one old chart Oct 24 to show price dynamics.

Best Regards



USD/CHF Up pattern form

Hello Everyone,

refer attached chart USD/CHF Up pattern form. observe further price dynamics.

Best Regards


usd_chf_.gif  24 kb

hi ramdas,

are you the same Ramdas that coded some indics for the Russian forums quite ago or it's just the same nick?
