Subthread: Dolly 2nd Clone Project - page 71


Thank you CJA


Use what ever version you want they all do the similar things - some of the 1st versions can only be used for PIVOT setups and the later versions can be altered for either PIVOT or OPEN setups. There are several late versions that have GMT/email/alerts/auto signals etc as to the indicators to use with Dolly everyone tends to use their own favourites although some people followed certain indicator setups for a while on the thread, basically there is no reccomended currency pairs or broker.

The reason the indicators are spread over 3 threads is Dolly evolved and different threads were started to allow for that, the original Dolly thread contains the PIVOT Dolly and the 2nd thread the OPEN/PIVOT Dolly the 3rd from memory is mainly a Dolly EA thread.

Dolly is a trading tool which you can adapt to your trading, it is up to you how you use it. I helped develope the Dolly indicator but never really traded with it although like any indicator you need to know how to trade to use it effectively.

Good Luck cja



Okay,let's make it short question WHEN,HOW,WHY)

WHEN it is better to use PIVOT and when it is better to use OPEN?

HOW can use this system to know the reversal levels?

WHY you do not use it?(is it not good enough for u?So,what do u use then on ur owen chart?)

Thank u in advance

what are the pips... if i know it then to some extent i will have the idea of getting knowledge


I guess it is the Elite Subscription section.

what are the pips... if i know it then to some extent i will have the idea of getting knowledge

It is elite section ads. Elite section is EAs and manual trading systems/indicators now and it is as a forum.

But there are no any Dolly or similar with Dolly or indicators similar to Dolly indicators in elite section.

So, please, don't post offtopic to this Dolly thread.


wss evolution, take a look !

i think some guys here must take a look about the new plotting scheme of their graphics, especially the breakout areas, just take a look... unfortunately their recent result as i saw in their website is not good and spectacular than last years, theirs and their client now must have difficult time now,

still our ver 11 the best or do we need to begin our evolution ?

full1.gif  46 kb

Dolly EA

Hello All,

Could anyone put the link to the last version of Dolly system??

Is there a EA to the dolly system?? where??




what should i do..

Hi all..

i downloaded DOLLY#11 as from the post #1!

however the template is not working correctly..

can somebody help me out?



Hi all..

i downloaded DOLLY#11 as from the post #1!

however the template is not working correctly..

can somebody help me out?



never mind..

i found the solutions!



never mind..

i found the solutions!




what was t prob u face n how did u solve it?


i downloaded DOLLY#11 as from the post #1!

it works weel with me

Great work !!

thanks alot

but i've some questions

is this template works well in any day , any time , even news time ??

what's the suitable pairs to this template ?? is this GBP/USD ??