Long Term Primajaya System - page 7


Ok i understand now, thanks RJ1

Hi PrimaJaya,

I have a few questions, maybe you can answer them, please.

1. How do you calculate to get Average Range (pips)? I tried to calculate average pips range for 2 to 6 days, but I didn't get as what you get (refer screenshot)

2. What is the different between Prima Daily Pivot and Intraday Pivot?

3. How do you calculate to get Prima Daily Pivot?

4. When is Prima Daily Pivot used in your formula?

5. Referring to the screenshot, Today's open is 1.2939 and the recommendation is "Sell". How am I supposed to sell stop with Target-1 at 1.2944 as recommended, because Target-1 is higher than today's opening, because I place trades when market opens.

That is all for now. I hope you can give me some light here

Thank you, terima kasih.


Wow you're trying to know my secret...sorry I can't give what you want..

My answer for your questions are..:

1. The average range means relative.. the poin is I don't use the ussual formula to calculate the average range..for example in intraday pivot, I didn't use (H+L+C)/3 to calculate the pivot level but I make little variation (H+L+C+Today's Open)/4

2. Off course it's different.. can't you see.

3.This is my secret too, but if you watch it carefully you will know the answer.

4.&5 I'm gonna answer these questions

Very good question.. when we use the prima daily pivot?..

As I said on my previous post, my suggestion is use the limit method not stop method.. the stop levels are for target and the limit levels for entering the market..

So when we use the prima daily pivot?...

you can use it as the first limit level, for example today's recommendation is sell,... you can put your first sell limit order on this level (prima daily pivot).. and the second limit is on the first limit level...

...Hope it helps...

I am new to forex trading but I am looking for a good system, I like what I see here so I downloaded your system. I am going to try it out.

There seems to be a little problem with your analyzer system. For some reason the brokers time is not working can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

Are there any instructions on how to install the analyzer system?



Ups.. I don't know what happen, but it's work on me.. Is there anybody can help!?

There is no need to install the analyzer,

You only need to activate your DDE server, update the data on D-1 sheet dan insert today's open on pair sheet,.....

Ups.. I don't know what happen, but it's work on me.. Is there anybody can help!?

There is no need to install the analyzer,

You only need to activate your DDE server, update the data on D-1 sheet dan insert today's open on pair sheet,.....


Here is a screen shot of my problem. It doesn't seem to connect to the mt4 file or broker it is looking for. Any suggestions.



fx-analyzer.jpg  145 kb

problem solved


I have found what my problem is, my broker interbankfx does not support mt4.exe. why i dont know. the calculation does still work though.




The 3rd Version

uhhh. ...... I'm very tired.. it's time to bed..

This is the 3rd version.. the alternative version..

you still can use the 2nd version.. as well as this version

Hope you like it....


Differences between versions

uhhh. ...... I'm very tired.. it's time to bed..

This is the 3rd version.. the alternative version..

you still can use the 2nd version.. as well as this version

Hope you like it....

Hi PrimaJaya,

Can you explain a bit what are the differences between the 2nd version and this new 3rd version? Is it the engine and how you calculate your formula?

Thank you.


Hi PrimaJaya,

Can you explain a bit what are the differences between the 2nd version and this new 3rd version? Is it the engine and how you calculate your formula?

Thank you.


Actually there is no different between the 2nd and the 3rd, The formula is quiete the same.. I only add more data so the calculations may different a little bit, but not significant..

The Daily trend base on MACD calculation..



Ooo there is no response or comment since my last post..

Hope all of you like my work..

This is the update version

better with newest data..

Ooo there is no response or comment since my last post..

Hope all of you like my work..

This is the update version

better with newest data..

I have one question when do you update the data at 00:00 GMT or when??

If at 00:00 GMT where do you find this data because i have ibfx demo account and there isnt that numbers???