How To Unsubscribe From Elite Section ? - page 3

Pls let me know how can i cancel my Elite section account, i dont find any instruction for that, and i didnt get any reply to my mails. Lior

I moved your post to the tghread whee you find the information about how to unsubscribe (see post #4 of the thread).

Also, for new comers, pelase read this thread first (it is about elite section structure; where to get the statements; unsubscription and some other talking).


Which EA to begin?

Good day to all the members, they are a new one enrolled to the site. I write Italy.

I would want to have a council, are many interesting EA in this section, but they are too many and I would want to leave with some EA and to begin to study, to try them.

Give some council to me from where to leave?




Hey Guys,

I have been trying for abotu 4 months to cancel my subscription to this bloody thing but no reply no nothing, what is going on is this how you guys do it or what.

I have sent numerous emails wanting to cancel the sub but no reply and the money just keeps coming out unreal.

Nice little earner when you have couple of 100 ppl that cant cancel.


Hey Guys,

I have been trying for abotu 4 months to cancel my subscription to this bloody thing but no reply no nothing, what is going on is this how you guys do it or what.

I have sent numerous emails wanting to cancel the sub but no reply and the money just keeps coming out unreal.

Nice little earner when you have couple of 100 ppl that cant cancel.


Hi sutters,

There is thread here in elite section

It is sticky thread. You saw this thread of course. Post #5 and post #17 is about how to unsubscribe.

19 posts totally in this thread so you saw this thread and you know how to unsubscribe

Just go to Click on All Activity and find the link with the SILICOM INTERNET Payment ($12.00). Click on Details. Under the title Transaction Details, there should be a link with "In reference to:". Click on that link. At the bottom of that page you will see a button that says Cancel Subscription. Click that.

Besides, if you are in elite section so you see my posts. It is impossible to ignore me in elite section as my posts are everywhere here. Many members are sending PM to me ... but you are not.

And to all the members:

please read first this sticky thread


Read this post to unsibscribe by yourself, or send PM to me.


That's crap, sutters I just canceled my subscription, no problems a all.

Btw, I can re-subscribe at a latter time?


unsubscribe elite section

hello can You tell me shall I unsuscribe my monthly payment to elite section??




I moved your post to this thread.

You can unsubscribe using your paypal.



I never heard about it for 4 years sorry.

About this case - please send PM to artrader and I hope that everything will be fixed (if it is something wrong of course).




I never heard about it for 4 years sorry.

About this case - please send PM to artrader and I hope that everything will be fixed (if it is something wrong of course).

so, can i get back my money??.. because that's my 3 month sallary.

thanks new digital


Can you speak with artrader about it?

Because he can check and make refund if it was some mistake ...

And can you keep me informed about the situation?

Because it is for the first time for 4 years in elite section ...

It was something as 1 person subscribed 2 or 3 times and it was refund ... but 200 dollars? too much sorry.

Speak with artrader please.