How To Unsubscribe From Elite Section ?


Dear Administrator,

It is not very dificult to find a link on wich to klick to subscribe to this elite section. But I can nowhere find how to unsubscribe. I can see at the small star near the price that it will atomaticaly renew the subcription every month. Not very user friendly !!!


Johny Pipperoni


I suspect all you would have to do is to PM the admin. Have you tried that, yet?

Dear Administrator,

It is not very dificult to find a link on wich to klick to subscribe to this elite section. But I can nowhere find how to unsubscribe. I can see at the small star near the price that it will atomaticaly renew the subcription every month. Not very user friendly !!!


Johny Pipperoni

You need to go to your PayPal account and unsubscribe there.


Unsubscribe info

Just go to Click on All Activity and find the link with the SILICOM INTERNET Payment ($12.00). Click on Details. Under the title Transaction Details, there should be a link with "In reference to:". Click on that link. At the bottom of that page you will see a button that says Cancel Subscription. Click that.


Thanks Wpaten, for your very clear explanation.


Problem Logging in...


I can't post on the open forum for some reason...

When I login it comes up with 'Welcome Pip'. At other times it says 'Welcome Racetrack'.

I've tried private messaging you.



Yes the Forum is somehow screwed up, same thing happens to me, before you log in CLEAN out all cookies, and Internet Clutter and relog in that seems to clear the problem up for now.


How do I cancel my Elite Subscription?

If anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

If anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

In sticky thread How to start with elite section last post is how to cancel elite subscription: it is the link to cancel elite thread (there is such a thread in elite section about cancellation) and link to one post.


Thank you, I did read that thread first but I failed to see that link at the very very bottom. Thanks for pointing that out.



Go to paypal and click on history. Find the subscription and click on details. Click on cancel subscription.
