I think this tool is very interesting to watch the fibo level data from all pairs,

remember to enable your DDE server and macros on your Excel.

Enjoy it..


great work , thanks alot


For ALL members please help for any improvements for this tool..

Is there any comments or idea?


Great work!

For ALL members please help for any improvements for this tool.. Is there any comments or idea?

Thanks primajaya for this tool!

Great work!


rar file

Really sorry for the massively basic question. Downloaded this Rar file but how do I open it with excel? Or have I missed the point?



WinRar is almost same as WinZip but better compression and free. Look at here (post #9).


Importing the data

WinRar is almost same as WinZip but better compression and free. Look at here (post #9).

Many thanks for this. Got the spreadsheet and it's terrific. However, the link the author gives to where to download the data from has changed. I've emailed him but does anyone here know what needs to be changed for it to work?



Help With API or DDE


I am attempting to develop a link between excel and metatrader, using either the DDE or APi. I would like to be able to send orders from excel to metatrader . Also account details and order sizing so i can set my own MM criteria from excel.

What is the simplest way to do this and where can i find the applets or whatever that is required to achieve this?

I have the API code but m not sure how to use it. I had an earlier version that used DDE but canot fid the code for it.

Any help would be apprciated.






My thread has been moved to a post on fibo. i dont know how this happened, but Fibo is not my area of interest.

I am enquiring about DDE but being moved to this thread limits my exposure to those with an interest in Fibo?

Can someone put me back please.

Thank u


I moved your thread to here.

I am always moving small threads with big threads.


The forum is very big and if someone opened the thread which is interesting just for him only so sorry - I am moving it.

I just saw excel and DDE in your post and I was thinking that you will be interesting with the attachents from this thread because it is excel DDE from Metatrader.


There is the other thread here where you may find some tools to use or as example concerning transferring the data from Metatrader to excel.