

Hi, everybody,

would you tell me, please, what are the mq4 expressions for:

"logical or"?

"logical and"?

"different from (not equal to)"?

What does mean "slippage" in EA's ?



logical or: ||

logical and: &&

not equal to: !=

equal to: ==

do not use one single "=" because a single "=" sign is used for assigning a value to the variable.


a=0; b=5;

if ( (a==0) && (b!=0) ) .............

if ( (a==0) || (b!=0) ) ..........


Ok, thanks,

would somebody tell me, what "slippage" is in EA's


Slippage is the difference between estimated transaction costs and the amount actually paid. Brokers may not always be effective enough at executing orders so slippage is the price difference between the time you place an order to buy or sell a currency and the time that your oder is filled. In a fast-moving volatile market from the time you place an order until the time it is filled the exchange rate can rise or fall few pips.

If you allow 5 pips slippage, your order will be executed anywhere between +5 pips/ - 5 pips from the price you clicked on.

If you don't allow slippage (slippage=0) your order will not be executed if the price moves from the price you clicked on.

I prefer to set it at 10 pips. This way I am almost sure that my order will be executed. I don't care about those maximum 10 pips of "loss". It is more important for me to get the trade executed.

I hope you understand.


Yes, thanks again