Live Testing reports - page 82

The main problem was not with the original system but within yourselfs. People are never satisfied, must have bigger better faster newer. CockeyedCowboy

wich version and settings works good enough to make money montlhy after montlhy?

wich version and settings works good enough to make money montlhy after montlhy?

I would be interested to know this too


My opinion

wich version and settings works good enough to make money montlhy after montlhy?

I don't think I have EVER seen a statement made by any version of Phoenix that actually pulls out a profit. I don't understand why people keep developing it. Maybe one of the early ones did? The latest versions look like super-sophisticated money-losing machines.


PhoenixFund reports

USDJPY M30 for June

+104.25 on 0.1 lotsizes. 6 wins, 2 losses, all negative swap. Approximately 130 pip gain.

USDCHF M15 for June

-100.74 on 0.1 lotsizes. 5 wins, 8 losses, mixed swap.

Monthly total: -25.89 due to swap, instead of a $3.50 gain overall.

At this point I'd recommend the USDJPY M30 settings, because a month of testing validated them. Another trade was made by USDJPY starting 06-28 closing 07-02 with a 34.29 gain. This was not included in the above report.

9 trades isn't a great sample, but these findings are consistent with the backtesting reports. PhoenixFund closes with another negative balance, but is currently positive for the month. Sorry about the delay in posting the report, I've been very busy. (Fiance had family emergency, plus several programming projects.) The foundation bookkeeper is taking over the reports and banking responsibilities.


Phoenix Fund is up $533.40 for the month. Right now the funds are split into two sections, and they will be combined into one when the bank transfer goes through.

Account 59077 previous balance: $789.00

Closing balance: $980.52

(needs to have half of previous winnings transferred to

Account 59290 previous balance: $863.30

Closing balance: $1205.18

(previous monthly rebates combined)

This is a gain of 32.3% for the month.

Previous monthly rebates were:

04/07 574.62

05/07 150.56

06/07 135.85

07/07 2.27

This month a donation of $266.70 needs to be withdrawn and paid to a nonprofit.

A total of 13 trades were made this month.

M15 USDCHF from 2007-05-30 had 1 win 3 loss: -$49.89 (all 0.1 lot)

M30 USDJPY had 8 win 1 loss: +$583.29 (1 win at 0.1 lot, all other trades 0.3 lot)

My personal account did not trade the M30 USDJPY settings, and it is also with FXDD. If you join FXDD as your broker, PhoenixFund would appreciate being listed as your IB. Half of the monthly profits from trading Phoenix will be donated to charity, the other half will be reinvested.

I don't think I have EVER seen a statement made by any version of Phoenix that actually pulls out a profit. I don't understand why people keep developing it. Maybe one of the early ones did? The latest versions look like super-sophisticated money-losing machines.

i have try phoenix since last year..and the results i got were really different... every month was in loss... i quit testing a month ago..not worth my time

p/s - where's azbofin lately? i miss his acc statement...the only profitable statement in phoenix


I just disabled the USDJPY M30 settings after 3 losses. So far for the month, 2 wins 3 losses.

These settings overall have performed with 16 wins, 5 losses.

I don't know where AzboFin is at either. The key to keeping Phoenix profitable I think is having settings that you monitor, and turning them off when they don't perform. You need a "finger on the button" instead of a "fire and forget" strategy.

I just disabled the USDJPY M30 settings after 3 losses. So far for the month, 2 wins 3 losses.

These settings overall have performed with 16 wins, 5 losses.

I don't know where AzboFin is at either. The key to keeping Phoenix profitable I think is having settings that you monitor, and turning them off when they don't perform. You need a "finger on the button" instead of a "fire and forget" strategy.


How about combining phoenix with Auto Optimization ....i have the code. The auto optimization will automaticly optimize the setting that we want with range of date we specify then use the setting that were optimize into the ea..

Its all automaticly done


How about combining phoenix with Auto Optimization ....i have the code. The auto optimization will automaticly optimize the setting that we want with range of date we specify then use the setting that were optimize into the ea..

Its all automaticly done

Yes, I also thing that it is a next logical step in development of Phoenix.

Do you have a code distibuted by Xeon in a articles Automated Optimization of a Trading Robot in Real Trading - MQL4 Articles (or a new better version TestCommander (autooptimization) -without translation or you have a other code ?


MTReport 4,0.

Please prompt where it is possible to find program MTReport 4,0. Thanks