Memory leak in MT4


I run a lot of instances of MT4 on my old notebook from various brokers and recently I've noticed that they seem to be constantly chewing up more and more of my precious memory.

I have 2GB of memory on the machine and after leaving the MT4's running for over 24 hours, then my memory consumption climbs to around 1.7GB.

When I close all the instances of MT4 and start them back up again then my memory usage falls to around 0.9GB.

To my understanding it would mean that on average each instance of MT4 leaks a bit over 100MB of memory per 24 hours. Now that's manageable if you have heaps of memory, but if you want to run these things for longer periods of time on a server with more instances, then it becomes a problem that requires constant baby-sitting.

Has anybody else noticed this?

Are there any guys (or gals) from Meta Trader lurking on these forums? Do you guys (or gals) noticed something similar?

I'm running with the latest builds that were updated a couple of days ago.

I've also attached a graphic from my notebook to show you an example of what I mean.


Hi.. I run more 15 instances of metatrader with 1GB Ram on centrino... no problems while using other software too...

might be that your windows underoptimized and there is a memory leak... may be you can find a windows optimizer software to tweak windows... there are many freeware and shareware on the net for this... Or reinstalling windows might solve it...

But if you run 30-40 metatraders, then that might be the problem..


It may also be related to the indicators and/or EAs that you run. If you're using anything custom (not included with MT4) then you run the risk that the custom code is causing a memory leak. This would tend to explain if you see this problem but others don't.


Using simple EA's

Hi, Thanks for the responses. I run what I would consider to be simple EA's. Most of them do not even require separate indicators and on average have a very low utilization of the CPU.

I have a bucket load of software installed on the machine but the graph that I showed was only related to me bringing down and then back up again MT4 software so I would say that it takes out of the equation all of the other crap that I have running. (It's not that much actually, email client, a couple of messengers to keep in touch and some P2P file sharing stuff, typical workload for your typical PC connected to the Internet these days)

I run a couple of MT4 Data Centers to minimize the bandwidth utilization of the MT4 instances.