"Phoenix - FAQ, Stable, User support -Read Post #1" - page 16


We will collect and post an entire history of trades sometime soon. If someone wants to post them earlier that is great (especially sorted by currency). I'm working on settings, signals and optimization on P6 right now. I don't want P6 to be a 'curve fit' EA.


Entire history as in how far back?


All of the live testing. It should be simple to do for people who have been doing live testing continuously from the same account with nothing else in the account.


Ok understood, the reason I ask is because all the statements I have posted are entire history of trades.


can someone update me???


I'm new here.

Can someone summerize for me, what's going on?

I got lost in all the posts, and I can't understand what's the latest stable and profitable version of pheonix (for live trading)? (Is there one at all?).

where are the back-tests and long forword tests of that version?

what are the recommended settings?

thanks all,



I'm new here.

Can someone summerize for me, what's going on?

I got lost in all the posts, and I can't understand what's the latest stable and profitable version of pheonix (for live trading)? (Is there one at all?).

where are the back-tests and long forword tests of that version?

what are the recommended settings?

thanks all,


Welcome Yoav ! Yes it can be difficult to follow in theses multiples threads and posts. I have some trouble myself but I know my time is well spent here. Some guy here are very advanced but, the good thing about it, I learn someting every day ! Version 5.7.0 is stable. I am using it myself live on GBP/USD. 5.7.3.W got some new interesting features and will probably be called 5.7.4 when stable. Most of us are now moving to Phoenix 6B5 as Daracknor and Pcontour did a superb job integrating a lot of new features and made it easier for coders to work with.

I recommend you start slowly by testing 5.7.0 and P6B5, read as much as possible. The more you read, the more you observe Phoenix behaviours, the more you will understand and will be able to contribute to the community.

Ask your questions as you go, we will do our best to answer them in a timely fashion.


MetaTrader - VIRUS

My VIRUS checker found a virus in the latest update of MetaTrader, so I canceled the update. Does anyone know the full story.


I updated Metatrader and didn't have any virus issues.

My Computer Associates virus software that comes with my AT&T/Yahoo DSL account caught the Forex Factory virus immediately each time I tried to log on when they were infected.

My VIRUS checker found a virus in the latest update of MetaTrader, so I canceled the update. Does anyone know the full story.

I'm betting it is a false positive, but I just deleted the file because I don't run any multilingual options and didn't need the file that was flagged as a virus.

hhsmoney and I noticed some connection issues with brokers after the update, it might be required to upgrade.


I don't know if it is related but I have one out of two computers that have a very annoying problem. FXDD is working on it. They say that many users have the same problem. If I close Meta Trader with my "live" account, I can not reopen it (Only the live account). I need to download a new version, copy paste my experts, etc. and never close unless I need to. Does anyone know what's wrong ?

I am very happy that my live account it hosted by Daraknor's server. A very small price to pay for peace of mind !