"Phoenix - FAQ, Stable, User support -Read Post #1" - page 3


It was having too many consecutive wins according to the journals. The Optimization inputs were all selected. Thanks guys.


Oh, nope. Still not working. Says all have been discarded as insignificant. WTF?

Edit: Ok, I seem to have some parameters work and others not. This program to so quirky.

Anyone know why I have majorly different results on backtesting from different brokers, but with the same data?


Error #130

I am back testing v5.6.04 on 4 pairs. There are tons of "orderModify error #130" The EA ran to the end of the test period uninterrpted. Not sure what caused this #130 error. Anyone figured this out?


I am back testing v5.6.04 on 4 pairs. There are tons of "orderModify error #130" The EA ran to the end of the test period uninterrpted. Not sure what caused this #130 error. Anyone figured this out? Francoc30

Had same "problem"... Asked two days ago... Nobody answer me... Perhaps nobody knows and nobody cares...

Seems that all our "Big Thinkers" are sleeeeeeeeeping after this big rally day..

Well It's seems that New Digital is our Administrator... Good.

NEW DIGITAL can you answer that ???

Thanks a lot and nice WE



Somebody knows something about "Error130 " ????????????????

Thanks !


Error 130 is an attempt to set the stoploss too close to the current price. I the code changes are in dialog on the programming forum, I will release them this weekend. Mode1 should not have this error, since it isn't moving the SL around.


Error 130

Thanks, Daraknor. Good to know you are taking care of the house.


Error 130 is an attempt to set the stoploss too close to the current price. I the code changes are in dialog on the programming forum, I will release them this weekend. Mode1 should not have this error, since it isn't moving the SL around.
Error 130 is an attempt to set the stoploss too close to the current price. I the code changes are in dialog on the programming forum, I will release them this weekend. Mode1 should not have this error, since it isn't moving the SL around.

Thanks Darak...

At least we have somebody that knows...


Nice WE

Thanks Darak...

At least we have somebody that knows...


Nice WE

I listed the exact change necessary in case anyone else wanted to merge and release, I just wasn't on a computer with the source code at the moment. I waited a day, nobody released, I responded here since the bug hadn't been acknowledged in this thread.

The bug is fixed in the 5.6.6 release I believe (I ran a few backtests and didn't get the error anymore), but we need to test it still.


Bertbin, how do you think we can work more closely together?

Bertbin, how do you think we can work more closely together?

No problem. Mail, Pm, skype as you want...

I install yesterday the indicator of Alamandjani showing the buy and sell entries. For me when you put this indicator on usd/chf and eur/usd you see how they are different : that the settings are good for usdchf and bad for eur/usd

Why ? You have a balanced entry signal, more sell, in usdchf (= i am posi on usd chf) and quite only sell in eurusd (= i will never trade on that pair with such settings ! = settings are bads)

At the moment you have entries signal in the same direction of the trend = you got the settings (after you back'test, forward tests, etc...)

It's perhaps a way to find rapidly the new settings for an eventual next opposite trend ?

Now how to know a new trend ? Euuuh no answer for the moment

BUT a bit back to fundamentals : Euro is going high... too high for EZ... and $ want a strong $... Oil is down = good for States... Only unknown thing : China... Well stop for now..

In P5 : when you start to have strong losses (in pips)... If you see my statements of last week, the results start to be equal between gain and losses = something is hapenning


BTW have you see the indicators trend in Here's the new Goblin the link I posted you yesterday ?

(Darak I worked 20 years in advertsiing and, in brain storming meetings, a stupid idea sometimes brings new and/or brillant concept. Or nothing !!! but better to express that idea....That why sometimes, I am a bit... stupid ...Hi ! Hi ! Hi !)