Working with Excel (tools, indicators, conversion ...) - page 19


Data mining, Statistics

Is thier any web sites, excel sheets that look for

data patterns , statistics,

like for example the euo moves 100 pips up what % of time reverse 20 pips

or something on a 30min time frames or similar type statistics

or just price statistics in general


How to Save Balance to Excel file once per day...

Hello there

I am new at MT4 scripting, so please forgive me if I am asking a stupid thing...

I am testing few EAs, and what I would like to do, is export current account balance (and optionally daily change) to a .csv or .txt file, once every day (at 00:01 for example)...

I tried writing a script that would do that, but although i was looking for examples, i did not get past this:

int start()



int handle;




Print("File c:\my_data.dat not found, the last error is ", GetLastError());








So, I know how to open a file and how to get balance... But how to write it the end of file?

And how to run this at exact time, but only once daily?




help with excell formula

Who could help me to modify excel formula for calculating losers row.

spreadsheet attached

Here is a tool for combining trading results into an Excel spreadsheet from multiple accounts.

Put the EA where you want to start collecting results. This dumps the data so Excel can ingest it. Put that path in the Startup worksheet of the Excel spreadsheet along with which currency pair you want to extract and the name of the tab/worksheet you want the results to be placed. After extracting the information, it creates a Summary sheet of all of the sheets it analyzed with results by date & tab. It's not as pretty as the other, but I had a lot of kludged code in that which was customized for the sordid way I have my folders laid out.

When you launch the spreadsheet, you have to enable macros or it can't work. All of the source for the spreadsheet macros & EA are included as well as an instruction sheet, so tweak to your own tastes.

UsingProcessResults.pdf (32.6 KB, 343 views)

CalcResults.ZIP (29.9 KB, 311 views)

GetHistory.mq4 (1.0 KB, 251 views)

Don't work in office 2007!!!

Help please


Moving Average and MACD export to .csv

Hey everybody,

This is the newest of three separate scripts I've created in the last couple weeks to help me populate an interactive spreadsheet. It exports data for the following pairs:




















It exports the 32, 64 and 200 period moving average values for M15, H1, H4 and D1. It also exports the MACD values from the last 4 bars on M15, H1, H4 and D1.


[ ]

ma_macd_1.mq4  77 kb

Seeking for an Excel FX Trader Log Template

Fellow Forum Members,

The link below shows a FX Trader Log app that I think is pretty cool:

What I don't like about it is that it's not setup in EXCEL. Therefore, I don't plan to buy it. Can anyone out there let me know where online I could find a FX Trader Log similar to what is shown in the link above but that is setup using Excel?

I'm not an Excel wizard, but isn't it possible in EXCEL to setup bar charts that dyanmically respond to date range filtering? I'm using Excel 2007 and my objective is to setup a trading log that tracks my performance with something that in known as a dashboard in EXCEL lingo.

I would appreciate hearing from anyone out there that is willing to point me to some EXCEL files that are already setup as a FX Trader Log that has all of the necessary formulas and charts already included. Thanks.


Excel worksheet needed for coin toss

I was wondering if a simple excel worksheet can be created to project the effects of applying different types of betting progressions to a user defined number of coin flip simulations.

The user input a certain amount of capital and he begins with a bet of x% of this capital with a user defined progression set in the simulator, for example,

bet ratio 1-2-2-4-2-1 restarting at 1 at any stage if it is a win, and also switching the bet to the opposite side (H or T) at the next throw whenever it is a win but following the progression set on the same side (H or T) if it is a loss.

I am interested to find out what are the maximum number of bets various progressions can enable the betting to go on before implosion, and create some statistics for different sample sizes of each type of progression(user defined).

I would appreciate if anyone can help to create and post this excel worksheet. Thanks.


When I was working in an office, I couldn't have my CHARTS up on my screen to watch my trades, so I made myself a nice little Excel thing (which I put to the right side, so I could slide to it then come back to my normal work).

All you need to do is put something like this in a cell:


This will give you the current price in real time. Then you make a simple formula where you enter your entry price minus current price and you can instantly see how your trades are doing.

Make sure you've got an instance of MT4 running in the background (minimized) for this to work.

And if your boss happens to walk by and mention he's seeing "numbers changing on your Excel screen", simply smile and tell him he drank too much yesterday (and quickly slide back to your original work )


How to connect/export MT4 to Excel

What are the tools out there available to manage MT4 via Excel. Would not it be nice if there was an Excel based trading platform that could interact with MT4?