Working with Excel (tools, indicators, conversion ...) - page 18


Excellent Tool

Thank you for this wonderful tool. It will be a big help reducing many charts. Cheers!


Custom reports


I want to take my trading results and have them in a customized report. (Not a detailed report that is available in MT4)

Is the only way to do this is to export data to excel and then structure it from there or is there an EA that can do this.

For example, an EA to show how many trades were made, how much $ +/- each one, duration... etc

Appreciate any help.


3rd party data monitor

Want to compare your trading data to the free data available from internet? Here is an excel tool.

After opening the excel workbook, allow the data connection, then the workbook will get data from MSN Money every 5 mins. The chart has room for 2 hrs data. Best to all the guys in this new year.


Market Start to Move Indicator

First of all, function of this indicator. This indicator can differentiate flat not moving market and rapid moving market.

One thing I like about this indicator is that it is not coded with mql, so that no one can de-compile it, no one can see the logic.

How to use it. Must allow the data connection. The data has to be fresh. It will get data every 5 mins when it refreshes automatically. It needs at least 2 hours recharge all the current data. Don't do save or any thing to refresh the worksheets manually, otherwise you will get repeated data.


trading with planet

U have so many book in pdf format.

Can give it?


excel single value to MT4 indicator

It also works great with Open Office 3 [ATTACH][/ATTACH]

Hi Linuxser,

I have found many threads on exporting data from MT4 to Excel but not much usefull information on exporting a data from excel to MT4 indicator.

I have a complex caluclation done on excel based on the (O,H,L,C) data I get from MT4, excel run the calculation on realtime and the output of the calculation will be one integer variable that can have one of those 3 values (either +1,-1, or 0). I am looking for a way that an MT4 indicator read that value from excel so that I can use it to confirm a trade.

Do you have any idea on how to proceed, an mq4 example will be very usefull.



Hi Linuxser,

I have found many threads on exporting data from MT4 to Excel but not much usefull information on exporting a data from excel to MT4 indicator.

I have a complex caluclation done on excel based on the (O,H,L,C) data I get from MT4, excel run the calculation on realtime and the output of the calculation will be one integer variable that can have one of those 3 values (either +1,-1, or 0). I am looking for a way that an MT4 indicator read that value from excel so that I can use it to confirm a trade.

Do you have any idea on how to proceed, an mq4 example will be very usefull.



In theory we could use the period converter code as example to write hst files.


i still want a expert which can read an Excel file

but i have a new request. How can i put information like this spreadsheet posted a few pages back in a chart form? I have a spreadsheet with values that goes from -9.0 to 9.0. But it is a pain to test it. Anyone here knows how can i plot this values in a chart so i dont nees to watch this spreadsheet every second.

thanks in advance.

In theory we could use the period converter code as example to write hst files.

Hi Linuxser,

Thanks for your reply.

I tried to look for more info on the period converter and this is what I foundamong others

Period Converter - MQL4 Code Base

However I couldn't see at all how to use it as a solution to my problem.

Wha I am looking after is how to transfer on real-time one integer variable from excel to an MT4 indicator. In fact on 1 min TF, every min excel will be calculating based on (O,H,L,C) that I got from MT4 DDE and excel will generate one value. I want an MT4 idicator that will read this value from excel.

Could you please elaborate on how your proposal can handle this?



Hi Linuxser,

Thanks for your reply.

I tried to look for more info on the period converter and this is what I foundamong others

Period Converter - MQL4 Code Base

However I couldn't see at all how to use it as a solution to my problem.

Wha I am looking after is how to transfer on real-time one integer variable from excel to an MT4 indicator. In fact on 1 min TF, every min excel will be calculating based on (O,H,L,C) that I got from MT4 DDE and excel will generate one value. I want an MT4 idicator that will read this value from excel.

Could you please elaborate on how your proposal can handle this?



I understand. Seems a bit complex.

Period converter code is useful to create hst files. MT read the OHLC data from hst files. In theory you could write any kind of data to a hst file by just using a product name. Like EURUSD value 100/200/300 and so son.

How to write an hst file using excel. I don't know.