My complex EA needed - please advise



I can write your EA. Please PM me and we can discuss there.


Great news ..

Thanks , I need all the help i can get , I love the EA system . One more thing , I dont mean to be overly naive but " PM " ???

Thanks again



personal message, it's an option there.

but your strategy could easily be made here as well, and you wouldn't have to wait for anyone.


Thnaks for the post ...

and the quote from Benjamin Franklin ..

but I am still pondering why when I use the builder it saves a blank html file , I cant open or do anything with after ! What am I doing wrong or is it a Java Issue ?



there isn't any need for java to run this site.

are you pushing complete at the end? or save?

when you push complete what it does is download a mt4 file, but save makes an html bookmark. that may fix your problem