Alert if no 'Smiling face"? - page 2


Anyone else can help with this problem please....?



It is working but on the reverse. The Alert went "on" when EA is on. How can I get it to work when the EA is turned "off" instead?


what about this one


#property copyright ""

#property link "finger"

#property indicator_separate_window

#property indicator_buffers 1

#property indicator_color1 Magenta

#property indicator_level1 70

#property indicator_level2 30

#property indicator_level3 50

#property indicator_maximum 100

#property indicator_minimum 0

//---- input parameters

extern int Len=14; //---- buffers

double rsx[];

int init() {






int deinit()




int start()




Alert("Expert Button Is Off");


double f88, f90;

double f0, v4, v8, vC, v10, v14, v18, v20;

double f8, f10, f18, f20, f28, f30, f38, f48, v1C;

double f50, f58, f60, f68, f70, f78, f80, f40;

//int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted(),limit,shift;

//if (counted_bars<0) return(-1);

//if (counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;

double limit=Bars-(Len)-1;

//if(counted_bars>Len) limit=Bars-counted_bars-1;

for (int shift=limit;shift>=0;shift--) {

if (f90 == 0.0) {

f90 = 1.0;

f0 = 0.0;

if (Len-1 >= 5) f88 = Len-1.0; else f88 = 5.0;

f8 = 100.0*(Close[shift]);

f18 = 3.0 / (Len + 2.0);

f20 = 1.0 - f18;

} else{

if (f88 <= f90) f90 = f88 + 1; else f90 = f90 + 1;

f10 = f8;

f8 = 100*Close[shift];

v8 = f8 - f10;

f28 = f20 * f28 + f18 * v8;

f30 = f18 * f28 + f20 * f30;

vC = f28 * 1.5 - f30 * 0.5;

f38 = f20 * f38 + f18 * vC;

f40 = f18 * f38 + f20 * f40;

v10 = f38 * 1.5 - f40 * 0.5;

f48 = f20 * f48 + f18 * v10;

f50 = f18 * f48 + f20 * f50;

v14 = f48 * 1.5 - f50 * 0.5;

f58 = f20 * f58 + f18 * MathAbs(v8);

f60 = f18 * f58 + f20 * f60;

v18 = f58 * 1.5 - f60 * 0.5;

f68 = f20 * f68 + f18 * v18;

f70 = f18 * f68 + f20 * f70;

v1C = f68 * 1.5 - f70 * 0.5;

f78 = f20 * f78 + f18 * v1C;

f80 = f18 * f78 + f20 * f80;

v20 = f78 * 1.5 - f80 * 0.5;

if ((f88 >= f90) && (f8 != f10)) f0 = 1.0;

if ((f88 == f90) && (f0 == 0.0)) f90 = 0.0;


if ((f88 0.0000000001)) {

v4 = (v14 / v20 + 1.0) * 50.0;

if (v4 > 100.0) v4 = 100.0;

if (v4 < 0.0) v4 = 0.0;

} else {

v4 = 50.0;






It is working but on the reverse. The Alert went "on" when EA is on. How can I get it to work when the EA is turned "off" instead?

copy the code above again

if it work in the oposite way

change this line if(IsExpertEnabled()==false)



if(IsExpertEnabled()==false), nothing happens.

if(IsExpertEnabled()==true) , Alert sounded. Not right because I need Alert to sound when EA is off.