FXiGoR-(T_S_R) very effective Trend Slope Retracement system - page 44


be specific?

I don't understand your question...being specific about what? Where the market will go? Anybody with limited experience with FX will tell you that the dollar streanght is exhausted for now...it is at major resistance levels across all pairs...I might be wrong it may break those resistances and continue...espesially with the FOMC meeting in a couple of hours...but hey that is FX...I hate posting trades after the fact....that is all I have....and please don't listen to me...I am dumb:-)


Never said he was always right and could always predict price targets (although he has come very close), I said he was a 'great help'.

Maybe because you thought Igor had a 'crystal ball' approach to trading was your undoing perhaps?

I was just wondering, what did you gain from looking after the fact that Igor was scalping for 12 pips???? Did he post to tell you where the market was going ahead of time????? I can tell you right now that the eur/usd, gbp/usd, eur/jpy, aud/usd is headed upwards. Hope this helps you in some way:-)

This is from this thread just two months ago. Hmm, the best thing you can do is learn TSR?

My how times have changed. Seems someone is having a temper tantrum.


I don't know where to start....

First of all don't worry. We've all been there-on the losing side. Just stop trading for now, educate yourself further. Trading is a lifetime learning experience! The best thing you can do is learn the TSR system, visit the chatroom(hopefully it still exist) Igor used to call live trades, probably he still does if the chatroom on paltalk is there. Never limit yourself, keep reading, keep acquiring knowledge and soon enough you will be able to design a trading system yourself that will suit ur needs.

Shouldnt you be working on your OWN thread instead of still trolling here, or is that dynamic fibonacci map not working out so well. And nobody minds you will be posting trades from your micro account either, im sure there are enough noobs to listen.

Do us all a favor, put up or shut up.


Now What?

...eur/jpy is headed upwards.

Per your guidance I'm ready to go long. Should I use a S/L? And where should I look to take profits? Or do I just let it ride the rest of the year?

FYI: For what it's worth, I say it's going to dip 100 pips before rising 100 pips.


my micro account statement:-)

Since Igor is big on posting results and statements, here are my results. The reason I was cautious posting this was that there might be a ritual suicide somewhere in Belguim tonight

When somebody using TSR can produce similar results, I would go back to using it;-)


reply to Igor

QUOTE: "I will have my own thread next week. I will be posting my entries along with the logic behind them. "

so wheres the logic behind this statement then?


Honestly dude, you cant really think anyone will take you seriously with that statement do you?

You start with 5m$, your first trade you try to pick the retracement of a 150 pip move and keep selling until you are 500 lots in, you are 100+ pips to the negative which is 10% of your balance and stops of 215 pips risking over 20%, and have to wait a week to see a retrace. You do the same thing on the next group of trades with 650 lots in, and again after that. Thats as far as I got, you can only laugh so much. There really isnt anything more to say, that statement speaks for itsself.

I am soooo glad you "put up" LOL. Cant wait for YOUR thread!


110% bs

Send me a draft for $100 and I will send you to the moon. Honest.


Do you promise this time?

Bye now.

Please do come back when you can post a link to your thread, or an intelligent rebuttal.




You might wanna look at the statement again before you distort the facts. Profitable trading is about consistently winning trade after trade after trade. I have achieved a staggering 97.5% winning rate. When you do that let me know;-) I am tired of ignorant people, I am out of here. CIAO!!!!