FXiGoR-(T_S_R) very effective Trend Slope Retracement system - page 35


i thank mr IGOR again for his excellent system as i try to show may thanks buy writing down another text of an audio file

Fish net pattern 15 dec 2006


First of all we have a very stretched pattern ,you ve the opposite of a narrow pattern.I don’t say you have to look for a squeezed pattern but you can not trade in the opposite pattern. when you have all trades patterns stretched very far from each others those you have to keep away from them. They don’t have to be 2,3,or4 pips away from each others ,they need to be rather close to each others or in a parallel way because of the entrancement the slopes direction lines go back to the big trend lines and the mega trend lines ,but that the trend lines in general have to be in a compact way and not very stretched over the place like it is going to war.

Going to war was the move that we saw to the upside, that is when we make the attack ,we jump into war at the moment when everything is stretched( there is our troops our soldiers …..they are all over the place and if we want to take some action we need first of all to regroup our soldiers, we see everyone is coming together )

So we can start from a descent alignment with a descent strategy . not we see the soldiers all over the place one left one right ,one dead, one wounded !! no we want to start from a descent position where we have an over view ,that we are in alignment with each other and we have a nice over view of what each one is doing, at the moment that we have a stretched pattern.

If you start to see crossings doesn’t matter which lines (only lines that cross with each others) in angles of 90degrees as I told you before keep away from it.

If you look for the bar at 16:24 just before that moment ………just the bar after and that’s something you could see happening you ve a crossing of a slope direction lines and one of the big trend lines in an angle of 90 degrees so as I told you before stay away of that market.

Even if you say well from here it could go up again for another 50 or 100 pips that’s possible but in general if you look for those patterns that we have at 1,2,3,4,5,6 six lines distributed all over the chart ,all over the place then its better to stay away from it.

It did happened this morning when the price dropped around 11:00 during that time you have a stretched pattern so in that case there is no possibility to take a trade .

Even the one around 12:…..something line coming a little bit more towards each other but it stills a stretched pattern better stay away of it.

Also you can see that its not angles of 90 degrees anymore but if you look somewhere to 12:09 ,12:10 you have crossings of a big trend line and a mega trend line with a very Sharpe angle not a 90 degree anymore that’s not a good sign its more likely that’s it is going to stay side ways.

Someone of you would say that was like a big market actually we are going to miss it,I say :so that we miss it. I mean you don’t do any harm by missing something.

Look for 11:30 to 12:00 you can see many crossings of trend lines in angles of 90 degrees just previously of the top that we made at 11:50 than also we have crossing of a big trend line and a mega trend line in an angle of 90 degrees if you see that stay away from the market.

I can understand you can say the 2 mega trend we nicely going up and we have 2 slope direction lines going down but that going down wasn’t some sort of a particular retracement its more like price is its more like price is consolidating at that point and it is not good

Think that we do….it is good that you take that loss you ll remember it for the next time that you will not take those patterns (stretched)and that you need to stay away even that at some points that the price ll take off again and you missed 40 or 50 pips .you need to take it from control points .

The stretched patterns its like a fish net when they do the fishing

With that pattern stay away of the market even if you think you are going to miss something (stay away)

Reply of a Q

We couldn t have trade that….. because at that moment when you exit a second crossing happened nearly 90 degrees AT 15:24 THERE IS A CROSSING OF A 90 DEGREES ALSO AT 15:30 ,15:31,:15:34

That squeeze that you see by the crossing of the 2 slope direction lines and the 1 big trend line and 1 mega trend line making like a diamond

Square when you see that (fish net pattern) starting just stay away of the market.


Thank you fx trader.

This is a good project

becouse not all can understand english language from



Thank you FXiGor, this TSR method of your's looks like a real winner.

I have only listened to the basicTSR and the 1st_Top_1st_Bottom_Squeeze audio classes so far...

I am extremely impressed!

I was not able to follow along with your examples of 1st top/bot and squeeze in 1min charts as the platform that I was using only let me scroll back to Jan of this year. Not sure the 1min timeframe suits me anyway, but the basic 15min TSR is awesome! I might look into the 1st top/bot a little more to see how bad a drawdown can get (with the poor hit rate and all).

I can understand why you decided to release the method as an audio class instead of a written account on this forum. Before I listened to them, I was somewhat reluctant and put off by them, but now I applaud you for it! To relay that simple method here with all of the miniscule intricacies involved (which does indeed make this a mechanical method and not a system) would have been tedious at best. (Both for you to write and for me to read!) Especially when you would have to constantly re-explain everything to people just skimming the posts.

To help out some late beginners, I have uploaded some screen shots of the charts that you have used in your examples (before they become unavaillable like your 1min chart examples did). I have numbered them in the order that they occur in the audio and I have also put a rough TimeStamp on them for when they occur in the audio (for easy quick reference later ).



Thanks again

I was not able to follow along with your examples of 1st top/bot and squeeze in 1min charts as the platform that I was using only let me scroll back to Jan of this year


I think it will be (almost) impossible to learn this without scrolling back on the charts and looking at the setups at the same time as playing the recordings.

Maybe someone can do it but i know i would not be able to learn it if i could not see the setups.

So if you want to learn this you should download and install more history files for your MT4 platform.

It is free and it do not take much time and work to do it.

Then the learning will be almost like following Igor live in the chat room.

It is a great way to learn and Igor is a very good teacher.

Just don't expect to play some recordings, scrolling over some charts and start live trading.

If you do that you will loose money fast.

The recordings is a good way to learn and TSR is a VERY GOOD method but it will take a lot of screen time and (demo) practice before you go live with it.



would you pls tell us how to download history? cause i tried to do that but the meta trader freezed

fx trader:
would you pls tell us how to download history? cause i tried to do that but the meta trader freezed

Hmm.... That sound strange...

I guess you was using the download option in the History Center (F2) then? Anyway the platform should not freeze of course..

There is a way to do it that are a little bit different than what you probably did (i don't know how you did it of course but i am just guessing)

You can download the data first yourself and then go to the History Center in the MT4 platform and install it.

For explanation on how to do this i think you will find a lot of info if you search here on this forum and also on Google but i can give you some links to help you get started.

You will find data you can download for free here:


And you will find a good step by step instruction on this site:


And like i say above if you still have problems i think there is a lot of good info about it here on this forum and many other places on the web where Metatrader4 are discussed.

Hope this helps


Hmm.... That sound strange...

I guess you was using the download option in the History Center (F2) then? Anyway the platform should not freeze of course..

There is a way to do it that are a little bit different than what you probably did (i don't know how you did it of course but i am just guessing)

You can download the data first yourself and then go to the History Center in the MT4 platform and install it.

For explanation on how to do this i think you will find a lot of info if you search here on this forum and also on Google but i can give you some links to help you get started.

You will find data you can download for free here:


And you will find a good step by step instruction on this site:


And like i say above if you still have problems i think there is a lot of good info about it here on this forum and many other places on the web where Metatrader4 are discussed.

Hope this helps


Tried to download 1min file from alpari, only seems to go back to December 2006 when loaded in my metatrader platform.

Am I missing something.

************Help - help**************

I think TSR is brilliant and want to learn it well.

Has any body out there got 1min 2006 meta data file covering the period of Igors training? which can be set-up for downloading with Igors audios.


Try this setup

hi maddog~

this problem could be that you miss this setup.

Tools=>opinions=>charts=>maxbarsinhistory=>than type 999999999999

=>maxbars incharts=>also type 999999999999

close alpari and open it than load 1 m file again

hope it helps~

hi maddog~

this problem could be that you miss this setup.

Tools=>opinions=>charts=>maxbarsinhistory=>than type 999999999999

=>maxbars incharts=>also type 999999999999

close alpari and open it than load 1 m file again

hope it helps~

Cheers, johnnyguitar.tw


Way more than I need, got history data back to Jan 1999 for 1 min EUR/USD,

Now I can listen to First Top First bottom & squeeze and follow the chart.

Thank you.