FXiGoR-(T_S_R) very effective Trend Slope Retracement system - page 32


Happy to see you again iGor


iGoR, I wonder why didn't you just write down the rules of this system on the post itself rather than everyone having to hear this audio file.

The accent of the guy on the audio is strange and hard to understand making it confusing.

Can someone please post the rules of this system in a step by step format so as to make it easy for everyone to understand.


iGoR, I wonder why didn't you just write down the rules of this system on the post itself rather than everyone having to hear this audio file.

The accent of the guy on the audio is strange and hard to understand making it confusing.

Can someone please post the rules of this system in a step by step format so as to make it easy for everyone to understand.


You'll be in the dog house



Why iGor should do it ? Why he should take the times to write the ruls for you , who don't want to spends some times to listen and practice ?

You can use below indicator for your EASY Money Machine

just boot your computer ,

attach this indicator and expert to your chart,

go to beach and dance club , after all , shutdown your pc at night and fill the withdraw form and think about how to spend your lot of money!

2enrlh0.gif  46 kb

Dear Fotovat

That's right, Igor is very kind that show and explain his system in forums and paltalk for free, and it's not fair to force him to write the rules ,too.

If someone interested on this strategy he/she can listen to audio files, the english that Igor spoken is very good for non english persons ,like me.

have a good time


I am not forcing anyone, just saying it would have been easier had the rules been written down. After all, its much harder to record and upload the file.

We are all grateful to iGoR for his generosity of sharing his systems with us.


Why iGor should do it ? Why he should take the times to write the ruls for you , who don't want to spends some times to listen and practice ?

You can use below indicator for your EASY Money Machine

just boot your computer ,

attach this indicator and expert to your chart

System relies on experiences and has plenty of false entries.

What a mess is you chart.

Writing rules down is easier but because system relies on experience he cannot do that.


Some help needed

Hi All.

I need some help.

At the beginning of this thread there was audio records of first five days in paltalk (tsr_day1.wma, tsr_day2.wma...tsr_day5.wma).

I dont see this files in the second post, and links from other posts not working any more. Unfortunately I did not download and listen that files, but I think it would be very useful. Could anybody refresh links or upload that files again please? (not rapidshare)

Excuse my bad english, it's more easy to understand for me than speak or write.

And Thank you Igor for sharing your great knowledge and expirience.


how many aliases ?...

System relies on experiences and has plenty of false entries.

What a mess is you chart.

Writing rules down is easier but because system relies on experience he cannot do that.

I'm truely sorry fxabuzer ...it is indeed based on experience. Without experience it would not be possible of building this strategy.

But it is not a system it is a strategy...so it takes time and hard work to learn it.

But once you know it is one of the most profitable strategys (if not the best R/R ratio) one can encounter in his trading life....

But as I say...it takes time and hard work and sticking to the rules that are well explained in the audio files. It is not a set and forget system.

If one thinks it takes to much time in a trading life or career to listen to 10 hours of audio files then it is better to move to an other system or topic.


I think it would be very useful. Could anybody refresh links or upload that files again please?

Hi AlexRed.

There are almost 30 audiofiles in post 2. Many many hours of recordings so i think you have more than enough material to learn from.

The "BasicTSR" file is a short version of what Igor say in the room the first week so if you play that file you will get most of it.

Anyway Igor and most others do not trade TSR the same way today as the first week. There are some "small" changes.

I think you will get much more out of your time if you listen to the files you find in post 2 over and over again some times.

Those are the best recording we have for learning the setup the way we trade it today.

I think i have the files you ask for somwhere so if you still want them i can upload them for you (just tell me and i do it) but i want to say once more that i think you will get far more learning for the time you invest by listening to the recordings that are already there.


PS. When i am here posting i also want to say this to all:

If someone are reading this and they have still not look in to TSR it may be a good idea to do so.

If you do not have a method to trade or for some other reason are not profitable in your trading you should really have a look at TSR.

If you are ready to do a lot of work and have the free time to invest in the learning prosess i can tell you this is a very good way to trade forex and like you can hear in the files Igor have done an amazing job to make sure we can learn this the best way possible and everything is for free.


Thank you Igor