Elite indicators :) - page 1467

//|                                   Robby DSS Bressert Colored.mq4 |
//|                                                   Jaanus Jantson |
//|                          http://fx.jantson.ee; jaanus@jantson.ee |
//|                      Copyright © 2008, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                       http://www.metaquotes.net/ |
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So I remembered right :)
So I remembered right :)
I guess your RAM is in TBs/PBs and in well working condition :)
here's a template and indicators
Hello vrvvaha, can I ask whether the zigzaggm v3 repaint, or does it draw the square and remains there.
Hello vrvvaha, can I ask whether the zigzaggm v3 repaint, or does it draw the square and remains there.
Zigzag always repaints, completely. It's just the High and the Low. Information you see visually as well. A bunch of repainters isn't a system at all, it's just BS and has nothing to do with elite indis or epic systems.
Happy New Year to all of the Elite indicators :) family.
Thank you vrvvha for your strategy
Mladen, what is the widget in the upper right corner of the chart on your screenshots?
Mladen, what is the widget in the upper right corner of the chart on your screenshots?

Hey mate, it's the Daily Data indicator.
Here it is (see attached).


Hey mate, it's the Daily Data indicator.
Here it is (see attached).

Thank you
Latest version was posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/178698/page9