Elite indicators :) - page 1242


How did you draw those zigzags?
They are not related to macd


post get in action next day with double



Can you make the attached indicator into a Hist with Lines?

Thank you


Isn't that an old version?

The filter to step ma does not do anything in a lot of cases simply because of the stepma nature (the periods of same value). But I decided to put it as an option - just in case when it does (and it happens sometimes)


what type of indicator is this ?

its possible to make this type of indicator with more accuracy ?

pls its possible make this.............. 



Also, just to remind you that few months back, you asked me in same thread how to hide the indicator details so that it doesn't work for others. What is your idea behind this? [your post 11104 dated 13-1-16] 




I exactly remember that of your referenced post and in that post i asked you how you will be hide details by having mq4 file when mq4 is more sensitive and open source than ex4 in sense of gaining knowledge...... and in the other part of post it was just joke if you find in between words that we users some times do with each others ......... but all in all you have to know,i have a lot of respect for all of my fellows and you are one of them of course,and i had never assumption like that and i consider every next is more better than me in every sense.

but i can feel and notice what is happening around here and what message and lesson peoples want convey.


Mladen...is it possible to just have colored bars instead of line...for not cluttering chart too much?

Here is a version with the usual 7 types of display added

Mladen...is it possible to just have colored bars instead of line...for not cluttering chart too much?


Posted it but you shall see it when we have the page flooded :)


Talaat E

Filter added to stepma of rsi adaptive ema

Thanks Mladen

just need to display option (line, bar, with dot) + onfirstbar option



Talaat E

Filter added to stepma of rsi adaptive ema

Thanks Mladen

just need to display option (line, bar, with dot) + onfirstbar option



One has to post several posts without any chance to appear.  

I am afraid to say the qualification of the developers is very poor.

More than two weeks and they failed to fix all issues.

The question is why they are changing the site while it is only less than 6 months since the last change.

I feel there is something is planed which I don't like. The secret is with the new owner !!!!!

I hope this post to be appeared.