Elite indicators :) - page 526


DTosc 2.05 Multi RSI

Hi mladen,

I took your DTosc 2.05 indi and extended it with your former Multi RSI capability:

RSI_Mode: 1=RSI,2=Wilders RSI,3=RSX,4=Cuttler RSI

it works !

Hi mladen,

I was too fast...

first counting of method is wrong. Correct is: 0=RSI,1=Wilders RSI,2=RSX,3=Cuttler RSI

second: the MTF support is not working and I couldn't find the bug yet... sorry



For multi time frame to work correctly : just change these lines in the init section :

// shortName = divergenceUniqueID+": "+timeFrameToString(timeFrame)+" DTOSC ("+RSI_Period+","+PeriodStoch+","+PeriodSK+","+PeriodSD+")";

// IndicatorShortName(shortName);

IndicatorShortName(divergenceUniqueID+": "+timeFrameToString(timeFrame)+" DTosc 2.05 Multi RSI, "+getRsiName(RSI_Mode)+" ("+RSI_Period+","+PeriodStoch+","+PeriodSK+","+PeriodSD+")");


to these :

[PHP] shortName = divergenceUniqueID+": "+timeFrameToString(timeFrame)+" DTosc 2.05 Multi RSI, "+getRsiName(RSI_Mode)+" ("+RSI_Period+","+PeriodStoch+","+PeriodSK+","+PeriodSD+")";


It will work OK then Just try to make it a bit shorter (the short name) since with default settings it will be too long and that way the indicator will not know where to draw divergence lines when trying to draw them on values

Hi mladen,

I was too fast...

first counting of method is wrong. Correct is: 0=RSI,1=Wilders RSI,2=RSX,3=Cuttler RSI

second: the MTF support is not working and I couldn't find the bug yet... sorry

DTosc 2.05 Multi RSI

Hi mladen,

I was too fast...

first counting of method is wrong. Correct is: 0=RSI,1=Wilders RSI,2=RSX,3=Cuttler RSI

second: the MTF support is not working and I couldn't find the bug yet... sorry

..everything is fixed now .



this indicator seems to re-paint when you refresh the chart only. Because of the high/lows it appears to work well on renko charts without refreshing the chart. The repaint also appears on regular charts.

1.Can you fix the repaint?

2. add a trend 1 or -1 with your alerts?

thank you



Alert displaying the price

mandagozu81 Here you go. 2 options added : alerts on lng and alerts on short. You can set up each to your wishes (true or false) so that you even can have the 4th case when both are false and no alert will be triggered


Can you modify the code of the 3.01 version to display the price in the alert popup box and the expert advisors tab.

The input menu can have

Display Price: True/False

Display Ask Price: True/False

So that the indicator gives the option to have the ask price instead of the bid price displayed if display ask price is set true, if false like always the alert displays the bid price of the instrument.

Thanks in advance.


High-Low activator with arrows


could you please attach your indicator 'High-Low activator'

showing up/down arrows only (i.e., without the line) when the color changes.

I tried to do this using iCustom function, but without success. :-)

Thank you!


After some forward testing...

Because many people are trading using M1, M5 or M15 timeframes.


Open M1 chart ... and what? we may have many questions:

EURUSD is in bullish or bearish in general?

when it was started and when it will be finished?

But we are not trading primary trend. We are trading secondary trend - means: we are trading the trend for right now (secondary).

Trend following is when primary and secondary trends are same ones (bullish/bullish; bearish/bearish).

So, using this simple setup - we will have the answers on all those questions using just this one M1 chart (or M5 or M15 for example).

- primary trend (which can exist for many hours) is related to the cloud: price is above the cloud - bullish; below is for bearish.

- secondary trend is NRTR indicator: blue line is bullish and red line is bearish.

And we can trade as we want having the knowledge about the price and market condition.


Hello ND,

After some forward testing on my platforms, I made a small change to the numbers which seems to have generated better results on my platform and it is as follows: NRTR only of course set @ ATR 14 and coefficient @ 4,0.

Should you have tried this combination as well at some stage I would love to hear from you.

Best regards,


ATRPeriod 14 and Coefficient 4?

It is what I used according to those templates from this post


By the way, as I know - MrTools is trying to create EA based on some very simplified rules of this system. It is will be done so this simple EA can be improved later.


Apologies ND.....

Hello ND,

My sincerest apologies! I must have been half asleep when I sent you those numbers!

They are in effect ATR @ 50 (Fifty) and Coefficient = 3,5

Would be an interesting EA to say the least.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


Not loading


Changeable symbol added (so now you can chose the symbol for which to display value). Since from the experience I know that this way is used sometimes for correlations monitoring, added the invert option too (so you can invert the value around the 0 axis) That way I think all the angles are covered. Here is an example of a "foreign" symbol used with inverted values for the upper instance of the indicator


Hello Mladen,

I cannot get the indicator to load in spite of the fact that I have the correct .dll in the libraries folder. Any suggestions plse?

Thanks in advance.