Elite indicators :) - page 344



ZeroLag macd with alerts and arrows can be found on this post (with a choice of when alerts and arrows are shown) : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/general and here is how the one you posted (lower) compares to that one (upper)

It has a mtf, but by default it is using current time frame, so, by default it behaves as if it was not a mtf




Could you please add trends, alerts and arrows to this nonlag macd?? Please no mtf!

Thank you very much!

zl_macd.gif  24 kb
Of corona indicators : since igorad is the one that developed corona indicators, I think it is much better that he explains those indicators but, I also think, that, since it would mean an intermediate between the indicator itself and Ehlers, that by far the best solution is to read Ehlers explanations. So, I am attaching a document that does exactly that (it was also provided by igorad in hist post where he posted those indicators for the first time : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum).

Of JMA : in my opinion moving averages are the basis of all TA. JMA is one of the proven ones. Is it the best is the question that more or less does not have meaning. In my personal opinion it is not, but my reasons for telling so are somewhat "odd" (in the "holly grail quest" everybody is looking for "the best MA" first and than for any derivative of it that would give "perfect signals". I do not think that way (there is no perfect signal), but I too am in the game of making a better MA (hence my statement that JMA is not the best ))

Hope that the attached document will help clarifying corona charts usage, as of JMA usage, even if it can be treated as advertisement, Jurik's site is quite a good starting point


PS: of "holly grail quest" - the attached picture is one average made to behave as 3 averages, all of them are same length (20 in this case). No phase changes, nor anything else applied to JMA can give something like this. Is it perfect : of course not (still doing some research and development on it, but even then it will not be perfect). Is it useful : yes, primarily as a means to "pre-filter" prices for any kind of oscillators that would then be used in something else, and that something else in something else, (I think you get my meaning - there are no "super simple ways" (at least that is my opinion)) and for smoothing (so, in one word, not in the way it is used on the attached picture and I think the same goes for JMA)



mladen would please where i find these indicators on chatr



It is "One more average" (it is its exact name) indicator, and it is posted in advanced elite section



mladen would please where i find these indicators on chatr

Here you go

This one will recognize any prefix and/or suffix used by the broker and it will do it automatically (all it needs is to have an EURUSD on that broker (I doubt that there is a broker without EURUSD) and you do not need to have it in your market watch symbols list - it will find it anyway)

PS: you need to allow dll imports in the properties of this indicator in order to let it work correctly



Need a little adjustment, that does not work with brokers that have suffixes.


It was tested on brokers with suffixes too and it works with no problems at all. It will not work if any of the default 14 symbols is missing in which case it writes out which is the missing symbol in the upper left corner of the chart. Then you have to remove the symbol not supported by your broker

If you have dlls enabled it should work (or let me know which broker it does not work on)

Need a little adjustment, that does not work with brokers that have suffixes.
It was tested on brokers with suffixes too and it works with no problems at all. It will not work if any of the default 14 symbols is missing in which case it writes out which is the missing symbol in the upper left corner of the chart. Then you have to remove the symbol not supported by your broker If you have dlls enabled it should work (or let me know which broker it does not work on)

I only worked at Forex.com suffix FXF

It has not worked in:

Exness suffix m

The collective suffix _fx

ForexPlace (4xp.com) Account ECN suffix #



As I said : check for a "missing symbol" message in the upper left corner

If it works with one broker using suffix it will work with other too regardless of the suffix used (it is simply extracting the difference on ppppEURUSDssss and what is left are prefix (the pppp part if if exist) and suffix (the ssss part if it exist). There are no predefined prefixes or suffixes that it uses. In case when symbol is missing (any symbol) it does not calculate further, but writes out a message saying "missing symbol " and symbol name. Remove that symbol from the list of symbols in the symbols parameter and it will work


PS: just saw what is going on :
Exness as an example - see the picture with some symbols from Exness

as you see there are symbols with "m" in the end, there are symbols with "c" added to their names and there are symbols (those same symbols) without anything added to their names. So Exness is having not 1, not 2 but 3 suffixes at the same time. No automatic suffix / prefix recognition will work on that kind of suffix / prefix mix up.

Attaching a version where you enter suffix and or prefix as a parameter manually, but as far as I see you will always have to check if some symbol is missing, or you should use the very first version and specify each symbol with its own suffix (it is the only way to have those mixed suffixes sorted out)

PPS: for this version you do not need to enable dlls, but you have to change the suffixes for every new broker you use manually (as I explained - there is no way to automatically decide which is the suffix you want to use in cases like explained, only you as a user can do that)



I only worked at Forex.com suffix FXF

It has not worked in:

Exness suffix m

The collective suffix _fx

ForexPlace (4xp.com) Account ECN suffix #

Would you please mladen help me to conver

this indicator to mtf version



Here you go Made some code changes in order to make it a bit faster and simpler to follow



Would you please mladen help me to conver this indicator to mtf version

here you go made some code changes in order to make it a bit faster and simpler to follow

regards mladen

thanks mladen also its better now

mladen is it possible if you allowed the addition of a saturations (sell or buy) to the indicator

forexample if one of pair cross 76.4 become green line

and if anothor pair cross 23.6 become red line
