Elite indicators :) - page 308

Best i could do is add it as an option! If you use the 50 cross option the other won't work unless maybe you use 2 indicators with different alert settings.

so i could use two instances. one with alert if it goes below or above -80 for buys and sells and above and below -20 for buys and sells.

then another with inputs for above or below -50 for buys and sells?

when it crosses any of the 3 values either way is great

Here you go - added an option : VIXInverted, so you can get both "sides"

Thanks you sir, very much.



Hi,Please adding sound&popup alert.


and...Please mount the MTF function if it is possible.

istochtxt.mq4  4 kb
i was wondering if somebody could put an email/sound/popup alerts on the indicator here? good 'ol WPR but it's mtf. the alerts needed are when it goes above -90 -20 -50 coming from below. signal buy

goes below -20 50 -80 from above signal sell


alerts do work but i think there may have been a misunderstanding for what was need, i go a sell signal for a cross the wrong way. should be a buy signal see picture of journal. What i need is this from mtfwpr:

when the indicator crosses -50 from below on close, issue buy signal

when the indicator crosses -80 from below on close, issue buy signal

when the indicator crosses -20 from below on close, issue buy signal

indicator crosses -50 from above on close, issue sell signal

indicator crosses -80 from above on close, issue sell signal

indicator crosses -20 from above on close, issue sell signal

alerts do work but i think there may have been a misunderstanding for what was need, i go a sell signal for a cross the wrong way. should be a buy signal see picture of journal. What i need is this from mtfwpr:

when the indicator crosses -50 from below on close, issue buy signal

when the indicator crosses -80 from below on close, issue buy signal

when the indicator crosses -20 from below on close, issue buy signal

indicator crosses -50 from above on close, issue sell signal

indicator crosses -80 from above on close, issue sell signal

indicator crosses -20 from above on close, issue sell signal

Was no misunderstanding i got it wrong(sorry about that) on the -80 and -20, from what i can see in the code the -50 was right though. Best i can do is if wpr is greater than -80(low level) and the wpr 1 bar back is less than or going up then buy and same for mid level -50, if wpr now greater than mid level and wpr 1 bar back less than mid line then should be buy.For sells if wpr less than high level (default -20) then sell if wpr less than mid level(-50) and wpr 1 bar back greater than or equal to mid level then sell.Not able to add the other conditions ie the buy at -80 and sell at -20. This version should work right for the other conditions though.Please if still wrong let me know!

Was no misunderstanding i got it wrong(sorry about that) on the -80 and -20, from what i can see in the code the -50 was right though. Best i can do is if wpr is greater than -80(low level) and the wpr 1 bar back is less than or going up then buy and same for mid level -50, if wpr now greater than mid level and wpr 1 bar back less than mid line then should be buy.For sells if wpr less than high level (default -20) then sell if wpr less than mid level(-50) and wpr 1 bar back greater than or equal to mid level then sell.Not able to add the other conditions ie the buy at -80 and sell at -20. This version should work right for the other conditions though.Please if still wrong let me know!

going to try this! thanks!



Hello mladen.

Thank You Very Match

sorry my poor english..



Hi mladen,

I tried to use adxvma in an EA but to heavy. Is it possible to do a version to use in an EA ? Just the simple adxvma.

Thanks in advance




Use this one

There is 2 modes depending on trend mode parameter : if trend mode is set to true (default), you will get only +1 and -1 values. If you set the trend mode to false, there is one additional value - 0, for "neutral" (when adxvma is horizontal - here is an example of adxvma, with the "for ES" in trend mode (upper) and non-trend mode (lower)



Hi mladen,

I tried to use adxvma in an EA but to heavy. Is it possible to do a version to use in an EA ? Just the simple adxvma.

Thanks in advance


Adxvma for EA

Thank you very much, mladen !
