Elite indicators :) - page 294


Hi Mladen,

At your convenience, would you please add the ForSymbol input option to your SSA normalized indicator.

Thanks in advance.



HI MLADEN can you make a histogramm of the "solar winds joy" indicator

thanks in advanve for the amazing work ..


Back from school..

Good morning Mladen,

First thing I did was to reduce the level figures on the Alert from 0.00 to 0.0089, but retained the upper level @ 1.0000.

It ran in real-time until close of markets.

I attach here for your kind perusal a screen-print high-lighting the problems associated with what I am trying to achieve with the VolatiltyBands Alerts and once again I have numerated the chart for your convenience as follows:

A. shot up to 1.1097 and still no signal from the Alert indicator.

B. Shot up to 1.0340 with same results.

C. Dropped to -0.0825 and the Alert showed as Yellow cap on the candle marked @ 16:55.

D. Dropped to -0.0441 and no signal.

E. Shot up to 1.0391 with perfect signal.

What I would like to have is a signal on every candle where the Volatility Bands hit the predetermined levels (such as 1.0000 and 0.0089 in this instance) even if it would alert on every single candle as long as the alert comes when the max/min-levels are hit.

Thank you for your patience and wishing you a pleasant weekend with your family.



Without disrespect..

HI MLADEN can you make a histogramm of the "solar winds joy" indicator thanks in advanve for the amazing work ..

Hi, without any disrespect, don't you read this Thread ?



Here is this one

Added two more options : ShowAllLevelBreaksand ShowReversals. If you set ShowAllLevelBreaks it will show arrow every time the level is crossed and if you set the ShowReversals too it will show arrows when it reverses from values that are over or under the levels asked. Here are examples for case when ShowAllLvelesBreak is true and ShowReversals is set to false
And when ShowReversals is set to true too
To clarify : it will show reversals only if ShowAllLvelesBreak is set to true


Also, in order to "cover all the bases" added the smoothing (the same jurik smoothing as in the version you were comparing the indicator to when you got different result) Smoothing length is set by default to 1 which means that there is no smoothing, but. if you wish to compare it to the version you are used to, set the smoothing length to desired smoothing length you use normally in that version (btw: jurik smoothing length does not need to be integer value, so one can use any number > 1 for smoothing) in which case you can get something like this
All examples were with length 2.0, and in case when smoothing is applied it was a 5.0 smoothing length (in order to make it more obvious what does happen with indicator values when additionally smoothed)





is it possible to have a histogram version of the solar winds joy indicator

this is my third request..

have a pleasant weekend

thank you..



Here you go, but please reread my post where I posted the indicator and why I made it and how does it do what it does (the part about "3 times repainter")



is it possible to have a histogram version of the solar winds joy indicator

this is my third request..

have a pleasant weekend

thank you..

Bless you Mladen

I apologize for not including this in my initial request , but could you please add the 'Invert' option too.



Here you go Here is an example with 2 symbols that are not related to the chart symbol itself.

regards Mladen


Thanks for the supertrend.

I tried to add a trend to KC but can't get it to show 1 or -1 in the data window. Can you show me the errors of my ways??



Many thanks Mladen


Here is this one

Added two more options : ShowAllLevelBreaksand ShowReversals. If you set ShowAllLevelBreaks it will show arrow every time the level is crossed and if you set the ShowReversals too it will show arrows when it reverses from values that are over or under the levels asked. Here are examples for case when ShowAllLvelesBreak is true and ShowReversals is set to false
And when ShowReversals is set to true too
To clarify : it will show reversals only if ShowAllLvelesBreak is set to true


Also, in order to "cover all the bases" added the smoothing (the same jurik smoothing as in the version you were comparing the indicator to when you got different result) Smoothing length is set by default to 1 which means that there is no smoothing, but. if you wish to compare it to the version you are used to, set the smoothing length to desired smoothing length you use normally in that version (btw: jurik smoothing length does not need to be integer value, so one can use any number > 1 for smoothing) in which case you can get something like this
All examples were with length 2.0, and in case when smoothing is applied it was a 5.0 smoothing length (in order to make it more obvious what does happen with indicator values when additionally smoothed)




As always deeply appreciative, Mladen. Wishing you another successful week ahead.

Best wishes.