Elite indicators :) - page 293

If the formula (math) is like it is stated on the first post :

PHP Code:









there is no way it can work normally. Subtracting past RSI from future CCI has as much sense as using my left shoe as indicator for tomorrow trend. Looks much more like a bate for naive ones than a serious (or any) indicator formula.

I am afraid you are being played a practical joke

What I can add that the lower is a normalized "something" in order to make it an oscillator (judging from +2 to -2 range it's intention was not to be used in NN or anything similar). That normalized "something" could be anything : from a simple moving average to any other indicator. And that normalized "something" has nothing to do with that formula

As I said long time ago I do not play the guessing game any more.

There are a lot of good indicators, a lot of very well documented strategies... Please, do not misunderstand me, but thinking that there is a secret formula in the market is not real. Take your time, do your own testing with your own ideas and soon you will discover that things are much simpler than "secret indicators"



uh, shucks!

Thanks for the heads up, altoronto


Drummond geometry

Hello mladen,

I working on a weekly strategy that uses Drummond Geometry. I'm wondering if you might find time to code a simple indicator as follows:

4 line on a chart, with defaults as follows:

Timeframe 10080 or W1...ideally use W1

3SMA High

DL Projected

DL Current

3SMA Low

And the ability to put a custom label on each of the 4 lines.

So when I switch to a lower timeframe for entry, the lines stay intact...and I can use one chart to drag symbols to, rather than have a series of charts for each pair.

It would look like this(plus labels):

I can post the Dummond Geometry indicator if you need.....but it's on this forum...and I expect you already have it.





here is an example how it can be done. Added some comments in the indicator (you will find out that very little has been changed - the purpose was to show only the trend buffer in the simplest way possible, and in this one nothing from the calculation was altered, only the order of buffers and number of visible buffers is altered) Here is how it looks then (trix period set to 14 in this example)

So this one is not simplified (as we use to do when writing versions for EAs) but is just an example how to do what you have asked without altering anything at all in the calculating code part



mladen or mrtool

is there a way to display the buffer in the data window without showing all 7 buffers; example; today the trix displays 3 buffers i would like the 4th to be the trend but how can I display the trend without displaying the other 3 buffers??? see attached

Thanks ahead


Apart from those thiings I said about "pollan"s indicators, maybe one general rule can be applied to almost all manners of "promoting" wonder stuff : the "wonder stuff" people promote as secret and wonder is usually made intentionally for that purpose only : to hit and run before people realize that they were hit

Here is an example : one more wonder indicator was promoted the similar way (pictures and a secret formula) and I was wondering how long it will take to make a replica of it. Once when I assumed that the basis is the all time favorite scammers one (Solar wind) it took very short time to make it (some 15 minutes, all in all). Here it is
But, when I posted the picture of it on the forum where they were discussing of it, and even when I told people on that forum that it is a 3 times repainter (so not just one repainting) some people were still asking me to post the code because "they could benefit in their trade" from it. I was wondering why the hell do they tell that until I realized that they were actually looking for a "wonder" indicator they would then paddle further to unsuspecting ones as a "quick way to get rich" magic portion


To conclude : if somewhere someone tells that there are secrets in her/his code (like the subtraction of past rsi from future cci) run away from it as fast as you can: those secrets are probably of the kind this "wonder" indicator contains

Posting it here but please be advised : it is a 3 times repainter and, as is, I coded it only to see how long does it take to reproduce a "wonder indicator" that seems to be sold around. No practical use.

uh, shucks! Thanks for the heads up, altoronto

Mladen re Volatility Bands

Hi Mladen

After all this time the indicator you sent me on Post #2914 P.292 is still not performing according to what I see with the oscillator I posted in #Post2904 P.291.

The Red "Vol.Bands" in the last sub-window down at the bottom to show the effect of the signals when generated on the candles, is the original one I posted.

I used the Green one in the first sub-window as "control".

I attach here a screen-print with annotations as follows:

A. Correctly signalled (note the Yellow cap underneath the candle).

B. No signal generated even although the overshoot was way below the 0.00-level.

C. Correct signal.

D. Same as for "B" with no signal.

E. Same as for "B" and "D"

F and G. is where you will see the Vol.Bands reaching the zero-level with no signal either.

Please, Mladen won't you re-look at the indicator you built me? The results are extremely promising when combined with the #DTosc and the CCi-5 (you can take my word for it). I have been using it successfully without the alert, but it would make life a lot simpler if you can sort this out for me, please.

I attach the alert indicator here for ease of reference as well as the original indicator I posted.

Thanking you in advance.



I used that indicator at my answer already so there is no deviation from the indicator that you re-post here.

Please, when sending examples keep them clean and to the point (it hardy helps to see an overcrowded chart to find anything on it) Also, when you are checking values, check them in data window, not just visually.

I will repeat : in the indicator I posted there is no difference whatsoever in calculating value of the indicator itself and if the 2 are set the same (the original one you posted and the one that draws arrows just arrows on a main chart) arrows must be drawn at the exact same place where the original indicator breaks the level for the first time in one direction. You can check the code itself and you will find no difference at all in the way how the values are calculated. Once again an example how and what does it do compared to the original indicator from your original post where you asked to make the "just arrows" version
This is the part that is common to the 2 (they are exactly the same in both indicators, as well as are the functions iTema and iDeviationPlus) and this part calculates the main value - the value you are comparing to :
for(i=limit; i>=0; i--)


prices = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,i);

double tema1 = iTema(prices,Length,i,0);

double tema2 = iTema(tema1 ,Length,i,3);

vbc = 2.0*tema1-tema2;

double deviation = iDeviationPlus(prices,vbc,Length,i);

vbu = vbc+deviation*Deviations;

vbd = vbc-deviation*Deviations;

double width = vbu-vbd;

if (width>0)

vbp = (prices-vbd)/width;

else vbp = 0;





And this is the part that just checks if an break of level has happened and does the arrow need to be shown on a chart (that is the addition in the "arrows" version")
[php] arrowUp = EMPTY_VALUE;

arrowDn = EMPTY_VALUE;

state = state;

if (vbp> LevelUp) state = 1;

if (vbp< LevelDown) state = -1;

if (state != state)

if (state==1)

arrowUp = Low - iATR(NULL,0,20,i)/2.0;

else arrowDn = High + iATR(NULL,0,20,i)/2.0;
If you do not believe me that there is no difference in calculating code and that it is doing it according to values it has, please find someone else that can check that for you and tell you if there is difference in calculation or not

All the best


arrows.gif  35 kb

Thanks Mladen..

.......its off to school I go!

Enjoy the weekend.

Best regards.



Posting it here but please be advised : it is a 3 times repainter and, as is, I coded it only to see how long does it take to reproduce a "wonder indicator" that seems to be sold around. No practical use.

Apart from those thiings I said about "pollan"s indicators, maybe one general rule can be applied to almost all manners of "promoting" wonder stuff : the "wonder stuff" people promote as secret and wonder is usually made intentionally for that purpose only : to hit and run before people realize that they were hit

Here is an example : one more wonder indicator was promoted the similar way (pictures and a secret formula) and I was wondering how long it will take to make a replica of it. Once when I assumed that the basis is the all time favorite scammers one (Solar wind) it took very short time to make it (some 15 minutes, all in all). Here it is
But, when I posted the picture of it on the forum where they were discussing of it, and even when I told people on that forum that it is a 3 times repainter (so not just one repainting) some people were still asking me to post the code because "they could benefit in their trade" from it. I was wondering why the hell do they tell that until I realized that they were actually looking for a "wonder" indicator they would then paddle further to unsuspecting ones as a "quick way to get rich" magic portion


HI MLADEN can you make a histo version of the solar wind joy indi..

thanks in advanve for the amazing work ..



Thanks for the Trix fix. It adds one more trend 1 to my EA calculation. I have one more, I promise. The supertrend isa MTF could take step back and remove the MTF??

Have a nice weekend!
