Apoligizes - page 2

pelele79 how can you keep selling *your* EAs and managing other's accounts after what you did? You are just a liar and nothing more. Pathetic, your english and your behaviour... P7

i dont know what to say you, only my apologizes to forum forex-tsd.

Pedro Echenagucia

i dont know what to say you, only my apologizes to forum forex-tsd. Pedro Echenagucia

Well, for me, you have gone up slightly in my opinion of you. I am not out to bad mouth you and I wish you all the success.


By apologizing and accepting blame, Pedro has atleast redeemed himself partially.

Pedro, you should concentrate on trading your system rather than trying to sell it. If you can manage a couple of sells, that is well and good, but your objective should be to successfully trade it.

Good luck.


Hi everyone,

ok....Can someone please explain to the rest of the community what the fuzz is all about.

Thank you in advance


By apologizing and accepting blame, Pedro has atleast redeemed himself partially.

Pedro, you should concentrate on trading your system rather than trying to sell it. If you can manage a couple of sells, that is well and good, but your objective should be to successfully trade it.

Good luck.

Thanks, i`m working on it. thanks and good trading.

Pedro Echenagucia



I just don't understand you as a person.... You seem to be in a bad place.

Traders who already have knowledge and understanding don't need to dupe others.This concept is a metaphor that extends to life in general.

True intelligence is defined by thinking, leading and helping others alone the way.

You should be banned for that crap. Why don't you post your ideas for free and gain some respect in the community (if they work)? In the long run.....wouldn't that be more profitable?

In short, you are a sad human-being if you can't digest these facts....



FXGOD has spoken

This brings back memories, again I will post pedroxxmod given freely on this forum, do a search for pedro mql. he is selling it now as 10 pips a day for $1000 hope it doesn't get deleted again (pedroxxmod),for him there is no bottom to how low he will go to sell something.Pedro if you are truly sorry pay back all the people you have scammed!

By apologizing and accepting blame, Pedro has atleast redeemed himself partially.

Pedro, you should concentrate on trading your system rather than trying to sell it. If you can manage a couple of sells, that is well and good, but your objective should be to successfully trade it.

Good luck.

I had written him off as a soul-less and persistent scam-artist. I was actually amazed at his relentless urge to SELL SOMETHING, and I took it as a lesson in the possible depths of human commercial depravity.

Like a shark does the eat and swim, eat and swim routine, 'ol Pedro seemed to need to SELL SOMETHING, SELL SOMETHING... whether it

-was useless or not,

-hurt others or not,

-was his to sell or not,

-required fake names to sell or not,

-made him lie to us about his use of fake names or not,

-whether he was left with zero credibility or not.

It was all about SELL SOMETHING, and the relentlessness and grasping nature of it was really something to see.

But, by apologizing and accepting blame, Pedro has redeemed himself partially in my mind also. At least there's not a complete moral vacuum in his head...

Unless he's just doing it to keep from being banned...

I guess we'll see what happens.


I just don't understand you as a person.... You seem to be in a bad place.

Traders who already have knowledge and understanding don't need to dupe others.This concept is a metaphor that extends to life in general.

True intelligence is defined by thinking, leading and helping others alone the way.

You should be banned for that crap. Why don't you post your ideas for free and gain some respect in the community (if they work)? In the long run.....wouldn't that be more profitable?

In short, you are a sad human-being if you can't digest these facts....


Im not sad human being. i only recognize my mistakes here. sorry is a very hard work to say.

Pedro Echenagucia

Pecunia non olet:
I had written him off as a soul-less and persistent scam-artist. I was actually amazed at his relentless urge to SELL SOMETHING, and I took it as a lesson in the possible depths of human commercial depravity.

Like a shark does the eat and swim, eat and swim routine, 'ol Pedro seemed to need to SELL SOMETHING, SELL SOMETHING... whether it

-was useless or not,

-hurt others or not,

-was his to sell or not,

-required fake names to sell or not,

-made him lie to us about his use of fake names or not,

-whether he was left with zero credibility or not.

It was all about SELL SOMETHING, and the relentlessness and grasping nature of it was really something to see.

But, by apologizing and accepting blame, Pedro has redeemed himself partially in my mind also. At least there's not a complete moral vacuum in his head...

Unless he's just doing it to keep from being banned...

I guess we'll see what happens.

Well said...

When I first saw this apology thread I too felt: 'well, at least he's apologised'.

But then I re-considered his behaviour:-

1)Changing his handle so that we wouldn't recognise him

2)Upping his prices to completely ridiculous proportions.

3)Name dropping for no particular reason.

4)Trying to dupe admin.

4)Basically, niaively trying to dupe everybody in this forum.

There is a moral vaccum here. His incessant behavoiur implies it.

The apology seems to be a reaction so that he doesn't get banned from this site.

Would you want this man managing your account?

His only redemption may come if he decides to share ideas, talk, any interact like a normal human.
