Need some feedback on an idea, plz - page 2

well, hmm.. it looked like i did have some interest, but i seam to be the only one posting here.. . i am profitable in a reall account using this method, i guess no-one is interested in helping me turrn this into an EA.

I am always interested in profitable systems. But I still busy with another propgramming-system, not MT. That's something for later.

One remark. You write about angles, but the problem is that those angles are dependent on the settings of your chart. If you fiddle with the X-axeis or Y-axis, the angle changes. Could you "translate" it to the number of pips in one timeunit, or #pips/hour?


ah.. ok.. i see what you mean. i will see what i can do to come up with something a bit more solid. thanks for taking a look and giving some feedback.


I have an extraordinarily talented programmer as a partner and will pass this thread along to him. To answer your question; there is no indicator that will provide angle or slope of MA lines directly but, this is not difficult to program. If this is important, a range of MA workable MA angles can be optimized. Can you tell me roughly over how many candles your angle would be calculated?

Do you see the same performance on different currency pairs with the same settings? And, how long have you been using this strategy?

Good Trading...DeadEye


that is a great question. .. well, i guess i would need to think about what times i am using, i usually switch back and forth between like the 30 min and the 5 - 15 min.. to give me an indication on when to place the trade. i guess that i will have to see which time i use mostly. let me do some thinking on that and i will try to have an answer for you soon. as far as the last 2 questions, yes, i have the same results on all currency pairs that i trade. the angles when they reach that zone have not failed me yet, and i would say i have been using that method for the last 3 months.


MA angles

Furious_angel, any general idea of the number of bars/candles will be a good starting point. If we don't start with a basic number that you have been using with success, it will just mean that we'll need to do several thousand additional optimization runs to find what works best.

Can you give me some recent successful trades or statement copies so I can take a look at what you're doing?



well i usualy wait for the third candle for a confirmation on a 5 minute chart, if that helps.. .. by then i know what angle the ema is going .. and if i have a higher probability of a successful trade. the steeper the angle and higher the volume... the better the trade. i guess like drawing in trend lines where you are getting steeper angles would be a good way to look at this.

** i have add some triangles to the attachment to better show that the triangles are getting closer and closer to a 45* angle i hope that helps.

tri.a.gif  32 kb

Thanks, furious_angel:

Great information! I may have a couple more basic questions after I look this over more - many current projects right now, I apologize but, wanted to respond. I am interested in trying to help on this.
