A stolen article!

In SBFX you will find an article Placing your first order step by step


This article is mine

The link to the original article:


Forex Articles


As long as SBFX put your name or your site link in their article posting I think it doesn't matter, but if SBFX modify your article content or deleted your site link without permit...this is broke the rule and truly wrong...


Forex Indicators Collection


As long as SBFX put your name or your site link in their article posting I think it doesn't matter, but if SBFX modify your article content or deleted your site link without permit...this is broke the rule and truly wrong...


Forex Indicators Collection

They didn't put my name or the link to the site! They even didn't say "sorry!"


Include a copyright notice with your (user)name as author at the top or bottom of the article. Too late for this one, but for the future...


not too late!!!!

insert the copywright and the link on the images, they are using images from your server... eheheheheh


It's not too late and you DON'T need a copyright text on your website for your content to be copyrighted. And you shouldn't be letting them steal your content without your permission, your name mentioned as Author and a link to your website.

If contacting them fails you can contact their server provider EV1SERVERS.NET. Send them an e-mail with subject "DMCA Copyright infringement complaint" tell them they copied your content without your consent and ask for the offending content to be removed.

Include the following statements in the complaint: "I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law."

"I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."

As their server provider is in the USA they will have to comply with the DMCA act.



well, if it was with me I probably change my pictures to a very nasty ones eheheheh, and then correct my own pictures... at least for some time people will see that lolol


Ha, that would be a good one. Change the pictures to funny ones with a text something like "Don't steal copyrigthed content you ********"



It is usual case. I am not talking about SBFX. I am talking about the case.

You may wrote to moderator of SBFX forum. It is his job to remove/improve/modify any article or indicator posted by somebody. It is something between moderators/administrators of the forums.

I am sure moderators of SBFX will do it (to remove or to give the link to your website instead of article posted).

I don't know them personally but I am sure they will re-act very quickly and everything will be ok.


Actually, that article was POSTED by an administrator (Posted by SBfx)!


Edited because it was posted before