HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 173

In the past EJ charged a small fee to cover expenses of a chat room/forum/coders.

It was something like $30 every 3 months, if there was anything left it went to charity.

Also charging a little fee like that you know who you are dealing with so it keeps the idiots out

Unlike you Igor who charges what? $100 a month that goes in your pocket.

I have tried to stay out of all this shit in the past as it only causes negativity and will ultimately affect the person posting.

I thought after the last round that all this had been sorted and we where all getting on with our trading.

However Igor can not stay away, what’s wrong frightened of losing potential $100 a month customers to other systems?


PS. I will definitely not respond,

The same goes for me. Your posting has nothing to do with posting proof of results.

As I said if you want to react come with elements that show or proof that posting results with proof has a bad or wrong or negative effect on people.

AND IMPORTANT...I don't even say that EJ should post proof. It is a generall remark that counts for every possible system strategy, method or person that make claims about profit.


PS.Lets me put it this way:I charge 85€ a month because for all the results that I need to post with printscreens so people would know that is better to spend 85€ on something that works then receiving loads of crap for free ...

(this last remark has nothing to do with this topic what so ever).


"When someone with experience proposes a deal to someone with money, too often the fellow with money ends up with the experience, and the fellow with experience ends up with the money. "-Warren Buffet-2007


(this last remark has nothing to do with this topic what so ever).

No kidding nothing of what you post here ever has anything to do with this topic. Your reason for posting here is for one reason and one reason only, grow up Igor. Get on with it and focus on what you need to.

This is my last post to you! I have more important things to focus on then playing with grown children.


Hey Igor... I think trading is like clothing... when you see a beautifull lady on a beatifull dress, you can imagine how wonderfull lingerie she has on mmmm well, the fact is, "normally" only her man will see that... you just imagine the rest... same here with acct statements... we show the nice cloth, not the lingerie... just imagine how nice the lingerie is... I love red one on white skin ladies... blue on darker skin... what do you like most Igor ? sometimes is good to relax... cheers Walter.


I find it all quit ammuzing to see you all make sharp and humoristic remarks and quote intelligent people (is it lack of own intelligence..who knows) but again all proof is missing in a logic and sensible remark that was made by someone like tsdprka.

No open debat based on logics and a healty way of thinking if showing proof of results could help you and others.

It is nice that you all stick together like a buble gum under a schooldesk. It shows proof of camaradery and friendship and loyalty. But that is all based on emotions.

If someone dears to make a negative remark the only thing you do is putting your shoulders together in an attacking way. You are all defending each other true thick and thin no matter what the underlaying truth maybe.

But your general defence is not based on logics or facts or proof or counter-proof...

If you all represent or are a mirror of the trading community no wonder that most people lose money because emotions is what you don't need and facts and logics and honesty to yourselfs is what you need the most (aspecially over a longer period of time).

Try to forget about your emotional opinions and try to have a more analitical and sintific and critical aproach.

Questionize yourself. And if you realy dare to do that then you want have any problems to do the same to so called trading-buddys.

Just imagine that in your trading lounge you make an agreement that you all post your entrys live and post them with proof at the end of the day...

Will it help yourself over a longer period of time to try to become better traders ?...or will that work contra productive? even in such a way that most of you are afraid that you would encounter yourself.

That you would be confronted with some sort of a truth that is better not revealed or that would shatter your own dreams. In such a way that it would confront you with the fact that you better pick up a normall job for a monthly paycheck that you hoped to earn on a daily base with trading

as EJ says so nicely everytime...ENJOY!...(whatever that refers to...the camaradery or the money that you make).



I changed my belgium expression into "a bublegum under a schooldesk"....

Maybe now the trees want block your vieuw on the forest anymore...meaning that you concentrate so hard on the shit and the shoe so you don't have to be confronted with some facts.


PS. And about banned, do you realy think that newdigital is a dumb piece of chewing gum as you are. He sees the difference between a sensible remark and an emotional shitty ( sorry chewingum) reply...

And about unrespectfull...I admire people who are intelligent and can talk in an analitic way. I shit on dumb people. Sorry I stick a chewingum in their ears.

I shit on dumb people. .

no doubts...

I really got relaxed after posting to you what I feel about you... no more time to loose on you... now I am free. Dan.



Glad to hear it Dan!!! Freedom is what it is all about! I use the ignore button to keep the grown children from getting into my space, works great. In the end it isn't worth it and the beauty of it is they are their own worst enemy. It will all come clean in the wash it just takes time.

Have Fun


PS: Walter it doesn't matter to me I like all colors.