HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 172

I do not know why anyone wants to see someone else's statement, it proves nothing about the system one is trading. Just because someone makes money with a system does not mean others will also have the same results or success. To each his own....

Exactly right. It's impossible to argue with the reasoning....it begs the question why a person would ask so emphatically in the first instance,

especially if they profess or imply to be an experienced trader.

Implication:- The questioner being flawed for not knowing this basic truth in the first place.....hence not the former.



it's very interesting to read almost always the same arguments when there is lack of evidence for verifying an approach or when it fails:

  1. it's always trader's discretion, which to some extent is correct but for a good trading approach discretion is making only a very small part of total results.
  2. rhetoric

the only convincing would be verfiable long term track records and nothing else. unless there is no such record available it makes no sense to discuss it any more. those thinking a little bit know what to look at and don't need rhetoric

all the best and enjoy your virtual discretional pips


tsdkp : normally on forums we talk about techniques... (thats the protocol) not about account statements... when you see the performance of techniqes you can figure out the account statements this trader may have.. but its not the topic to show statements... we normally share great methods and take them to action...

when you go to a doctor and need surgery do you ask him the pictures of his last 100 surgerys ? no... you need certain faith on the performance of this doctor... if he is there, he might be good (not always).... thats the scope of a forum (should be) : technicals.... cheers Walter.

it's very interesting to read almost always the same arguments when there is lack of evidence for verifying an approach or when it fails:
  1. it's always trader's discretion, which to some extent is correct but for a good trading approach discretion is making only a very small part of total results.
  2. rhetoric

the only convincing would be verfiable long term track records and nothing else. unless there is no such record available it makes no sense to discuss it any more. those thinking a little bit know what to look at and don't need rhetoric

all the best and enjoy your virtual discretional pips

Logic? Yes. Rhetoric? Hardly...

Why would you personally require or demand evidence if you didn't like the look of something? That in itself is very very interesting...the implication being that you don't possess the skills or judgement to make a valid personal assessment.

However, prove to me the sky is blue...

Take care,



We will continue to post trading charts, commentaries, articles, and other relevant matters for the benefit of our TSD readers and our members, for educational and information purposes only. Yes, the fun and adventure continues.



tsdkp : normally on forums we talk about techniques... (thats the protocol)not about account statements... when you see the performance of techniqes you can figure out the account statements this trader may have.. but its not the topic to show statements... we normally share great methods and take them to action... when you go to a doctor and need surgery do you ask him the pictures of his last 100 surgerys ? no...you need certain faith on the performance of this doctor... if he is there, he might be good (not always).... thats the scope of a forum (should be) : technicals.... cheers Walter.

Sorry walter but I don't realy agree on this one.

if you think about proof, now a days we show proof of everything people can do. if you would make a benji jump would you like the organizers to make a little video so you can show your friends ?..yes.

If your kids (if you have any) can do some tricks with a skate board do they video tape it with their cell phones so they can proof they can do that trick ?... yes

People record by audio video and photos everything possible to show proof.

If a fisherman has caught a very big fish the first thing he does is asking someone to make a picture from him with his fish in his hands.

Every hunter that hunts on big game asks to take a picture of him with the pray he shot. Remember the old photos with a hunter that had his feet on the head of a tiger or a lion?...

If I go to a building compagny to ask to build me something he is going to give me a list of clients so I can go verify if his clients were pleased of what they did or build or manufactured.

I think you know the term: can you give me a list of references ?...yes. Again to show or to give proof.

In trading it became like some sort of a protocol not to ask about the trading results of someone. Yes you can ask it. And most of the times you gonna receive a very positive answer. The moment you ask real proof you become suddenly a noob.

It is some sort of an unwritten rule not to confront each other with the fact that most of the people only lose money or now and then have a good day but overall the don't realy earn money in trading but they hang on the dream that one day it will all change and they will become profitable.

Every day there is the excuse and the tought and the hope: tomorrow I will do differently I will do better I will.....

As the americans say: money talks ..bullshit walks...

In my paltalk room at some point everyone "so called" made money. Every trade they made was a profitable one. If I had to believe it I was the amateur and they were the pro's. Till I said that if they make claim about profits they made, they needed to proof it with a printscreen from their trading platform.

From one day to the other nearly no one made any more claims. Was that because they don't had a printscreen button on their keyboard. Or that they don't have "paint" in their windows package ?....

Or do I have to believe that all traders are so modest that they don't want to wave with statements or brag about their profitable accounts true printscreens ?....

Someone who hides something...Is hiding something...


PS. The claim that showing proof of your results will not help or proof that someone else can make money with that same system is correct but it shure proofs that if one trades that system with the nescessary discipline he can make money with it....

If the protocol would change that everyone has to proof his claims on profits or systems that work, with statements or printscreens, a lot less crap would be writen on all of these forums.


Take a look back

Is it so hard to look back a couple of pages where EJ showed his account over and over again? Guess so! It must be easier to post otherwise then expend the energy to go look for yourself. Matters little though as the last post from EJ stated doors are closed. But nice to see you pop up again Igor glad all is well and it sounds like your group is doing well, good luck to you.

Have Fun


PS: I disagree with you on the protocol of posting accounts would better the forum. This place is here to help build systems and traders by working together. Rome wasn't built in a day nor is a profitable trader. As you have posted many times it has been a long time and lot of hard work to get to where you are. If the merits of a system where judged by if they had a winning account from day one this place wouldn't be here. But for you selling your system for a tidy sum yes accountably is very important! It is good you don't run this place Igor because this site wouldn't be here any longer and I wouldn't have had the chance to meet the great people I have here! I also know your pension for long winded off topic post on this thread so save your breath I won't respond to you here but will be happy to continue this topic on your new thread. One last thing you might want to take a look at the heading this thread is under.



Calm down.

First of all did I adress myself to you?..no.

What has the fact that I ask money to join my group (as EJ is doing) has to do with posting proof of results that one makes ?..nothing.

I can name severall positive elements of posting results with proof.

- It will avoid the false claims of profit.

- It will make that people will stay more focust and trade with more discipline so they can post a positive result at the end of the day.

- It will proof that certain systems methods or strategy do work.

- it will maybe proof that certain systems do not work when the results are bad over a longer period of time.

-It will proof to certain people that the are not made for trading and should pick-up a normall job.

I don't attack you nore anyone here in any way with what I posted previously. Did I stated that EJ is not making any money ?...no

Were walter said that a doctor doesn't show any proof so for that reason one should not show any proof of trading results is wrong and you know it. Every plastic sugergerie doctor will show photos of his work.

So if you don't agree with my claims about giving proof of trading results then give me a list of elements were posting proof of your results would be negative or work contra-productive. If you can come up with 5 realistic points as I did then I will say you are right and I will take my words back.

friendly regards...iGoR