Create your own MetaTrader extension (dll) - page 6


Convert shared MFC to static, is it possible

I just notice that the DLL i made is a shared MFC, that is why it return error(126) in other computer while there's no problem with my computer.

I would like to know on how to convert shared MFC to static linked ?

because when i set it to static it display error like this:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ...

I just notice that the DLL i made is a shared MFC, that is why it return error(126) in other computer while there's no problem with my computer.

I would like to know on how to convert shared MFC to static linked ?

because when i set it to static it display error like this:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ...

Make sure on other computer, you load the compiled release version, and not the debug version.



Hello, i create a dll that write a file to specific directory with fprintf function, the bug happen when i run mt4 from desktop's shortcut .. it crashed the mt4, but if i run mt4 directly from windows explorer everything works perfectly.

Any idea how to solve this problem... needs help !


wolfe.. could you show me how to release compiled version.. not debug version ?? .. i'm on visual studio


Tnx for the DLL courses

Hi ,

This is my first post ever on this forum. Hope I'm doing it the right way.

Just want to say Thank You for explaining about DLL 's.

I can handle basic mql4 but know nothing about dll development.

So, tnx again and I'l be back


wolfe.. could you show me how to release compiled version.. not debug version ?? .. i'm on visual studio

I'm using VS2008 Express. There should be a tab at the top of your VS compiler that allows you to select between debug and release. Select release and compile. The compiler will give you a file path where your release dll is stored. Follow the file path, and copy the dll to C:\WINDOWS\system32.

That should work.


DLL ok in development, 250 characters)" class="linkator">error 126 in production, why ?


i'm getting confuse.. i create a dll that connect to internet, i copy the dll only on many metarader in my local computer and found no problem...

but the problem arise when i copy my dll to another computer. it returns error 126.

may i know what's wrong ? how to solve the problem ? i'm using with visual C++ on visual studio 2008.

please help


Hello Mistigri, thanks for the insight.

I'm testing with strategy tester my EA and i also wonder why the result with DLL and the original logic (without DLL) is different..

do you had similiar experience


You mean like when calculating an Indicator?

Then yes, for example I wrote my own ATR function in a dll and what happens is that my DLL ATR uses wilder's smoothing while MT4 just uses a simple average ... Same with any of the indicators written by wilders and other indicators who seem to have multiple versions ...

I would first make sure your indicators give the same results as the MT4 platform from the DLL ...
