Supertrend as Histogram - page 2


Guppy MACD


can you please post your other indicator,the one who looks like lot of moving averages in colors


Thought you might like this, I made this some time ago it is a fast MACD using multi MACD/Signal lines, excuse the programing I am not very good and am sure it could be coded better.


OK, I am familiar with Guppy MMA, but how use the Rainbow MMA in relation to price action?

You look for the yellow lines, green lines and red lines. The other two collors are more or less just a beauty makeup. Yellow lines are traders and green/red investors, when both agree you enter based on your other analysis. You never should go against the investors, I'm sure you know that. Its also wise to enter a trade once all the greens have crossed the reds.

Shows up as a blank?

It works for me ?

Here you go, don't know what it will look like.

I renamed the file, it works now. Could you possibly make it so all the bars would be of same size, that would be great!

Thought you might like this, I made this some time ago it is a fast MACD using multi MACD/Signal lines, excuse the programing I am not very good and am sure it could be coded better.


Hi cja,

What's the best way to use your Guppy MACD indicator...looks really good:-)



Guppy MACD

Hi cja,

What's the best way to use your Guppy MACD indicator...looks really good:-)


Hi Xard777

Load the standard MACD & the Guppy MACD onto the same chart and you will see that the Guppy MACD gives a lot earlier signals but still retains the separation between the MACD lines & signal lines when price is trending, notice that the Blue lines start to close up together before it turns and crosses thru the Red lines and when the move has some strength not only do the Red & Blue separate but the separation between the individual Red & blue lines increases as well giving you a good indication of how long the move will last.

As soon as the Blue lines start to close up be aware that the move is running out of gas. Also good for showing flat price action as all the Red lines & and all the Blue lines blend together and look like two single thick Red & Blue lines.

You can use it instead of the STD MACD or run both for awhile until you get the feel for it

Enjoy cja


Thanx cja for the Guppy MACD info....

Can you post the custom indicator showing the current price

Thanx again



Current Price

Thanx cja for the Guppy MACD info....

Can you post the custom indicator showing the current price

Thanx again


I use this because the MM indicator hides the current price with all the line labels on the right side vertical scale, Kalenzo has kindly been giving me help with programming indicator info into a separate window and this idea just came to me the other night when I realised that the MA 1 signal is the same as the current price.




INFO Window

Thanx a lot cja for posting the indicator...made some changes, but my coding is terrible....still you should get the idea


You just bet me to it , I was looking at the code for the EJ_CandleTime indicator this morning and thought I would have a go at putting the time code into the Price window as well but you have saved me the trouble - Well done and I am happy that you find the Guppy MACD of some use.


Sure, here you go. Any progres on making the indicator anyone ?

Thanks very much. Best wishes.


Supertrend HISTO

Could anyone help me turning this supertrend line into a separate window to be shown as a histogram?

Like this Flattrend indicator :

Attached is Supertrend Indicator,

Is this what you want ??
