Traders joking, the beginning - page 586



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Donald Trump's wife Melania just gave an interview where she said their 9-year-old son Barron wants to grow up to be a golfer, a businessman, and a pilot. When Melania told him that's very unlikely to happen, he replied, “Dad's in first place for president, anything can happen.”
Burger King has begun bottling its own merlot and they call it Whopper Wine. Not to be outdone, 7-Eleven has begun selling a product fermented for six months. They call it a hot dog.


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This is what happens when you give Donald Trump attention: Everyone else seems reasonable in comparison. Ben Carson is over here saying "You're Hitler!" "Obamacare is slavery!" And we're like, "Finally, an adult in the room!"


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Lol that was funny. i'm new to trading and to the forum. I thought i'd start here for a laugh before I go to other threads and overload my brain with info. didn't even think id get the jokes but I did. thanks for the laugh...

More of Hillary Clinton's e-mails were just released, and one shows that she had made a list of talking points for a trip to L.A. in case she ran into Ellen DeGeneres, which is ironic because Bill does the same thing in case he runs into Hillary.


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