Traders joking, the beginning - page 333


Really a joke


Never let facts get in the way of a good story.


...looks like another couple came into possession of a Super Dooper Holy Grail Adaptive Multi-Timeframe Xtra-Smooth Holy Grail Indicator...

A new study found that being lonely is actually worse for your health than being obese. You know, because if you're obese at least it FEELS like there's two of you.
Women spend an average of 335 hours a year getting ready, according to some very passive-aggressive researchers who are outside waiting in the car.
Hey, you know who they locked up? Public enemy No. 1, El Chapo Guzman. He was the leading distributor of cocaine and cocaine-related items in the world. So another setback for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.



Ukraine says they need 5 billions during next 2 years...strange...that's exactly what I need!

In California the owner of a Christian medical marijuana dispensary says God told him to sell pot. The dispensary owner said it's right there in the book of Dude-eronomy.
A New York Times poll says that eight out of 10 Democrats want Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2016. The same poll also shows that 10 out of 10 Democrats want Chris Christie to run against her.