Traders joking, the beginning - page 171


Dimon will be stepping down then ?


If he doesn't wave with another peace of paper with presidential seal on it Or something like this (see his cufflinks he is wearing) from the last hearing. As it is obvious he is using any chance he gets to show where the support is comming from

Dimon will be stepping down then ?
dimon.jpg  55 kb

Nice, (i want some)

don't suppose you can find those on ebay

looks like a scene from a bad trading movie

"BushII the aftermath"


Dimon as he sees himself


A new survey found that Newark Airport is one of the best airports in the country to find love. Unless you love your luggage.


Well this is going to be interesting : Former London Whale boss Ina Drew: I was misled

Former JPMorgan official Ina Drew say she didn't engage in any misconduct.

If they continue blaming each other we shall see a classical soap opera (with a happy ending, of course, that are the seals for )



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This test only has one question, but it's a very important one. By answering honestly, you will discover where you stand morally when no one is watching you.

The test is an unlikely, fictional situation in which you must make an important decision. Your answer should be honest and spontaneous.


You are in Florida, Miami to be specific. There is chaos all around you caused by a hurricane with severe flooding. This is a flood of biblical proportions. You are an up and coming photojournalist working for a major news organization, and you're caught in the middle of this epic disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless. You're shooting career-making photos if you get out alive.

There are houses, cars, trees and debris all swirling around you, some of it disappearing under the water. Nature is unleashing its destructive fury.


Suddenly you see a man in the water. He is fighting for his life, trying not to be taken down with the debris. You move closer. The man now looks familiar. You suddenly realize it is Barrack Obama!

At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take him under, perhaps to be forever lost.


You can save the life of Barrack Hussein Obama or you can shoot a dramatic Pulitzer Prize-winning photo, documenting the loss of the world's most powerful Saul Alinsky socialist and Marxist Muslim who is hell-bent on the destruction of America.


"Would you select high contrast color, or would you go with the dramatic and classic simplicity of black and white?"


A Washington state mother is accused of letting her 22-month-old toddler smoke marijuana. When reached for comment the toddler said, "Hey, man, everybody chill out!"