Traders joking, the beginning - page 49


if he tried this with saddam, he wouldn't have feet to worry about shoes


financial news

If your looking for a new secretary this might be the best time

Hugh Hedner to sack playboy bunnies amid financial crisis !!



Hi MiniMe I'm looking for a secretary


Forex Indicators Collection


Traders Joking

And this is the reason why. Get ready for the next 4. HMMMM?

Caption: I've Got Mine, See Ya. Next Up! And BTW, all are millionaires and have not lost money.

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Linuxser ,

I guess the trend now is to claim that you lost money so as to avoid the extra tax that will be imposed by the new government on the wealthy guys and companies

I am a fan although its full of crap but I love to watch it, this week The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michael "HBK" one of the super stars claimed to lose money " sure its a joke " but in away it shows how can a wealthy indiviusal try to escape the system by declaring on public they are losing money and later may fabricate the tax records....

I guess we will see more of this acting soon as Barak new goverment plans is to take from the wealthy and give the needy but if the wealthy is not wealthy anymore then there will be no one to take money from !!!


My friend buy new keyboard with 2 keys - BUY and SELL

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I am waiting for the next margin Call


this is an example of how trading can get you close to God

I do the same but more often that's why I am a head of him

BTW he is now in the top 150 ... close to his target


Traders Joking

This is a chart of the USD/CAD at the 12/22/2008 open, 00.GMT.

Either Tradeview demo has a problem or some guy in Montreal is running a Hedge Fund. And they said Hedge Funds were dead!!!