Volatility Quality Index - page 57


Thanks Mladen, very nice share

Merry Christmas to all !

And don't forget to prepare your bunker for the end of the world !!



thankes Mladen, it is repaint?or not?


Don't worry : no repainting :):)

thankes Mladen, it is repaint?or not?

Nice, thanks


Hi everybody,

When I lunch the EA attached,(1 min ), I have some regular( linear ) loses. What it could be interessting is to inverse the EA. ( when buy to sell ... with change of bid to ask / when sell to buy ... with change of ask to bid ).

I'dont have a gift for EA. Can somebody help ?

Thanks vm for your help.

( sorry for my english )


with a limit to buy on the bid size ( when signal is confirmed ) .... and a limit to sell on the ask size ( when the signal is confirmed )



To invert poassitions opening, change these 2 lines :

if(OS==1){if(TP==0)TPI=0;else TPI=Bid-TP*Point;if(SL==0)SLI=0;else SLI=Bid+SL*Point;TK=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,MML,Bid,Slip,SLI,TPI,OrSt,Magic,0,Red);OS=0;return(0);}

if(OB==1){if(TP==0)TPI=0;else TPI=Ask+TP*Point;if(SL==0)SLI=0;else SLI=Ask-SL*Point;TK=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,MML,Ask,Slip,SLI,TPI,OrSt,Magic,0,Lime);OB=0; return(0);}}


to this :

[CODE]if(OS==1){if(TP==0)TPI=0;else TPI=Ask+TP*Point;if(SL==0)SLI=0;else SLI=Ask-SL*Point;TK=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,MML,Ask,Slip,SLI,TPI,OrSt,Magic,0,Lime);OB=0; return(0);}}

if(OB==1){if(TP==0)TPI=0;else TPI=Bid-TP*Point;if(SL==0)SLI=0;else SLI=Bid+SL*Point;TK=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,MML,Bid,Slip,SLI,TPI,OrSt,Magic,0,Red);OS=0;return(0);}

Hi everybody,

When I lunch the EA attached,(1 min ), I have some regular( linear ) loses. What it could be interessting is to inverse the EA. ( when buy to sell ... with change of bid to ask / when sell to buy ... with change of ask to bid ).

I'dont have a gift for EA. Can somebody help ?

Thanks vm for your help.

( sorry for my english )

Thks mladen for your quick answer.

When the EA has a signal, it opens and close a lot of orders in the same minute.

I think there is a malfunction in the EA.

Could you help ?

thks mladen



In the EA you have an option that is named "Reverse". Just set it to true to invert signals. Tested it and it really inverts the signals and does not open multiple orders on a same bar

Thks mladen for your quick answer.

When the EA has a signal, it opens and close a lot of orders in the same minute.

I think there is a malfunction in the EA.

Could you help ?

thks mladen

thks vm for your help. It works.