ElliotWaves - page 31


wolf wave Settings

what wolf wave indicators are people using and settings

I am test this indicator, does anyone have any recommend settings and time frames

what wolf wave indicators are people using and settings I am test this indicator, does anyone have any recommend settings and time frames

It's interesting but it's just zigzag again with numbers, cannot be relied upon IMO


Elliott wave analysis blog - EUR GBP USD GOLD weekly

I've started a blog where I post my Elliott wave analysis - everybody welcomed to see it at http://elliottwavecharts.blogspot.com



Finally pair did reversal and now is forming wave "a" of the upside move. Next target is 2.0000 level



EUR/USD made reversal and uptrend wave "a" is already finished. Correction can extend to 1.4525 but minimal target is 1.4620

Notice: Because of the strange wave length sizes there is small chance that downside trend can resume and my wave count is wrong now



Gold has finished (or is finishing ) it's wave "a". Correction wave "b" can extend to 895-877 price level. From that point uptrend will continue



EUR is still forming correction that should reach at least 1.4730 target. After this correction uptrend will continue.


Gold has passed minimum requirements for correction wave length and could start forming uptrend this week.

Notice: wave count on this chart could be different, but it does not change long term outlook


The pair is finishing sharp correction and minimal requirements are already met and uptrend can resume any time.

First uptrend target is 2.0030 and next one could be 2.0270. Uptrend will be developing in form of zigzag



Euro felt below 61% support line from the previous upside move. There are two possible scenarios:

a) Euro will continue to fall to 1.4310 area, forming wave A of decline move. This will indicate serious problems for EUR in next 1-2 months.

b) Euro will rebound and attack 1.5 level

Best scenario is to sit and wait until situation will clear out


Another two scenarios. Pound is going down in any of them:

a) Current downtrend can extend to 1.8833 with current wave labeling.

b) Alternative scenario will be 1.9190 price level


Gold is either forming wave "c" that will beat 937 or start falling below 850


vagroupnet, in your previous euro image, what you've labeled

as C is imo WB; the previous H to L to your C is an AB Reversal

seen as a W or M more usually in the low timeframes and often

a component of Corrections and Retracements


Gold must be forming wave "C" that should reach 883 level as minimum or even lower.

GBP/USD will jump into 1.9620 area and continue to decline.

EUR/USD is topping below 1.47 level. Decline should follow afterwards to 1.44-41 level.

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