ElliotWaves - page 22

This updated chart shows how we can have 2 kind of entries

(1) agressive

(2) Momentum ( conserv )

I choosed option 2 this time cause the distance is not that alot.


The trade is engaged 1.2970 with stop @ 1.3002


lets revisit the chart again..

4hr chart shows how the waves are progressing according to me only ofcourse i believe many ellioticians will have either same/close or even completely different counts ...and that is the beauty of elliotwaves it all depends upon how one looks at the market .. i might be completely wrong about these counts but this is what i have from how i am currently preceiving this market .

anyways chart displays the 5th wave target,

i will remove my tp and trail this position as i get enough profit points.


eurusd_6.jpg  137 kb

Ya eacan u could be right and on daily chart and abc corective pattern after the 5 wave ( last year top) dont know really but i play the range from here as euro is well known for big range trading after a big rally also if we change the picture traders called euro down big time based on the weekly ( inversed shoulder formation) and know near the left shoulder which had good selling interest before the upside move


Ya eacan u could be right and on daily chart and abc corective pattern after the 5 wave ( last year top) dont know really but i play the range from here as euro is well known for big range trading after a big rally also if we change the picture traders called euro down big time based on the weekly ( inversed shoulder formation) and know near the left shoulder which had good selling interest before the upside move sailor

sailor good news is that you know what needs to be done in this condition.. i see many traders and threads have numerous counts of waves floating around, my neighbour has a count which have never seen happening in elliotwaves ... my reason to go short was a failure to stay above wave (a) but there was lack of 4th wave movement , the alternation is fine according to wave 2 so i went with just 1 contract using 2% of my equity price is back to 1.2965 possible -a-b-c-d-e , will see

have a nice day



ya lol true



MT Predictor

i use metatrader real time data with MT PREDICTOR. buy gbp above 1.8946 stop below 1.8867.

Where did you get the MT Predictor? I couldnt find any MTP's on this forum.



updated chart

Well this is the last of the series of the pattern where i have 1 lot open at 1.2970 sl 1.3002

if this stop is hit i will wait .. Im in a process of applying a good monthly minimum target for my trading ( and thread )currently i have 100 pips in mind and it seems also logical to me i also need some plan so i have found in one of the thread here on forex-tsd about the plan of trading and still searching for new mm relating ideas.

this pattern has till now made me entered 3 trades for which 2 are closed successfully and waiting for the last one to see what happens.

update later.


eurusd_8.jpg  148 kb
Well this is the last of the series of the pattern where i have 1 lot open at 1.2970 sl 1.3002

if this stop is hit i will wait .. Im in a process of applying a good monthly minimum target for my trading ( and thread )currently i have 100 pips in mind and it seems also logical to me i also need some plan so i have found in one of the thread here on forex-tsd about the plan of trading and still searching for new mm relating ideas.

this pattern has till now made me entered 3 trades for which 2 are closed successfully and waiting for the last one to see what happens.

update later.


Current EURUSD 1.2934

at this point i need to move my stop to breakeven for the reason is simple

(1) I dont know the future i can only predict it inside the world of EW

(2) there is always that 5th wave failure

stop moved to b.e @ 1.2970


Current EURUSD 1.2934

at this point i need to move my stop to breakeven for the reason is simple

(1) I dont know the future i can only predict it inside the world of EW

(2) there is always that 5th wave failure

stop moved to b.e @ 1.2970


There was high ( ask ) till 1.2968 - bid 1.2965 ( 3 pip spread i have on euro )

the above chart showing the e-wave is not valid at first ....

I am not changing anything except removd that e from my chart and this is possibly becoming complex correction provided it doesn't break above the wave(c) marked if it does first of all i will be stopped long before that at b.e second as i said earlier i will try to trade the patterns i have so keeping out of this market .

beback after stop out or further development.

Current Bid = 1.2958.


fast update

There was high ( ask ) till 1.2968 - bid 1.2965 ( 3 pip spread i have on euro )

the above chart showing the e-wave is not valid at first ....

I am not changing anything except removd that e from my chart and this is possibly becoming complex correction provided it doesn't break above the wave(c) marked if it does first of all i will be stopped long before that at b.e second as i said earlier i will try to trade the patterns i have so keeping out of this market .

beback after stop out or further development.

Current Bid = 1.2958.

i have moved my stop back to 1.3002

i am writing the rest just after this message price is still 1.2956-57 bid.