What works best when market isn't trending?


I have one friend that uses the stochastic and the cci together when markets are basically flatlining. I'm am thinking that is redundant, they look at the same basic stuff. I was told the zig zag looks at something different.

Question basically is when the markets are not really established in a trend or 'between' trending one way or the other what is the most winning strategy? most winning indicator combinations etc.


Hey.... you are asking for the holy grail

The best way to know whether a market is trending or ranging is to just look at the prices. If you can't tell a trend, then it does not exist. Very simpel.. right?

If you want to use an indicator, the ADX is the one to go with.

Good luck.


I'm not asking how to tell the difference between trending and channeling. I am asking for how to best deal with channels? If that is the holy grail??? I thought it was just part of making a system that knows how to handle differen conditions.


Maybe this?

From what I've read (so, bear in mind you are getting theory here, not my own experience!) Firebird seems to prefer choppy sideways markets.


Jump in on the thread, there is a TON of info...

I'd be interested to know what else you find.

good luck!
