Automatic Order exec



As I know we can't use Hyperorder and dynaorder with Metatrader for sending order from other charting softwares like metastock/tradestation/omega prosuite becoz the client API ver.4 of metatrader was not released yet, How do u work without it ?

Hyper order and dynaorder are very good but at now . . .they aren't

If there is any solution please write in this post to use every one

1 .I think we can use windows scripts to automate but it's hard,

2 .If metatrader brokers support web based order form then we can use them

3 . . .

come on and lets talk. . .



As I know we can't use Hyperorder and dynaorder with Metatrader for sending order from other charting softwares like metastock/tradestation/omega prosuite becoz the client API ver.4 of metatrader was not released yet, How do u work without it ?

Hyper order and dynaorder are very good but at now . . .they aren't

I haven't done it, but I seem to recall that you can link Dynaorder/Hyperorder to Metatrader 3, which some brokers still maintain.

At least one broker is having so much trouble with MT4 that I'd imagine that it'll be awhile before they drop MT3.



one russian guy told me, we can write an expert to read a file included alerts and exec orders and delete the file and wait for new file,

It good,


one russian guy told me, we can write an expert to read a file included alerts and exec orders and delete the file and wait for new file,

It good,

If the other software can send information to a CSV file then MT can read the file and act on it. No need to delete the file just flag it as read when the other soft ware rewrites it it marks it with a flag as unread. This works as I have used it with Amibroker and MT3 and MT4.

If the other software can send information to a CSV file then MT can read the file and act on it. No need to delete the file just flag it as read when the other soft ware rewrites it it marks it with a flag as unread. This works as I have used it with Amibroker and MT3 and MT4.

Ok, this is getting reeaal interesting!

So. If I can get MT3's pricefeed into Tradestation Prosuite I can apply some Tradestation "WhizBang Logic X" to the pricedata, and send the entry/exit/condition signal to an MT3 or MT4 EA for order entry or further processing?!?!

I love it. Huge thanks.

Pecunia non olet:
Ok, this is getting reeaal interesting!

So. If I can get MT3's pricefeed into Tradestation Prosuite I can apply some Tradestation "WhizBang Logic X" to the pricedata, and send the entry/exit/condition signal to an MT3 or MT4 EA for order entry or further processing?!?!

I love it. Huge thanks.

One problem....If you use the DDE link to feed data to TS and TS needs X bars then you have to have TS running till the required bars are feed. No past bars are sent and if you turn off TS for say a day you will have a hole in your data. Requiring you to build the data base over again. There are ways to get arround this but it not so user friendly.

Basicly if your whizbang logic x requires 100 bars of data you will have to build that data base up before the WBL X will work.


One problem....If you use the DDE link to feed data to TS and TS needs X bars then you have to have TS running till the required bars are feed. No past bars are sent and if you turn off TS for say a day you will have a hole in your data. Requiring you to build the data base over again. There are ways to get arround this but it not so user friendly.

Basicly if your whizbang logic x requires 100 bars of data you will have to build that data base up before the WBL X will work.


Hi CockeyedCowboy,

Sorry about the delayed reply, I just saw your post. ( Still recuperating from my vacation... )

Yeah, I see what you mean about data-holes.

I don't know how TS v8.x handles imported data, and I don't know how the 3rd party add-ons to TS v8 like 'OwnData' handle it, but I think I can grab and save history in CSV format if I use TS version 2000i. Hmmm.. OHLC data (I think) anyway, not sure about tick data.

Looks like its time to RTFM...



Amibroker communication with MT4

If the other software can send information to a CSV file then MT can read the file and act on it. No need to delete the file just flag it as read when the other soft ware rewrites it it marks it with a flag as unread. This works as I have used it with Amibroker and MT3 and MT4.

Hi Cockeyedcowboy,

Would it be possible to get that code for communication between Amibroker and MT4? That would be the magic link for me to use Amibroker as my strategy builder (master) and MT4 as the auto-trading platform (slave).

Many thanks,


Hi Cockeyedcowboy,

Would it be possible to get that code for communication between Amibroker and MT4? That would be the magic link for me to use Amibroker as my strategy builder (master) and MT4 as the auto-trading platform (slave).

Many thanks,


How good are you in coding in AB and MT? You basicly have to write the code based on your needs.

What you have to do is have MT create a file (within the MT file directory ) with a start up flag, say the current date. Then have AB look for the file when it finds it report back to MT that the communication link is set. from that point you just need to have them exchange signals. You do not even have to close the file between read write as both AB and MT can have the file open at the same time.

When you pass data to AB using the DDE link it dosnot pass any history the data starts with the first bar passed. If you need say 200 bars of history for your system to work you have to either wate till the required bars are recorded before the system will work or convert the MT history file to a format AB can read.



Hey cockeyedcowboy,

Thank you for the answer and the guidance. I'm nowhere near that level of programming so I will be working on MT and AB coding first and then come back at this once I'm ready.

Thanks again for the answer.
