Heiken Ashi Idea - page 28

I am looking an indicator in a format similar to the one at the top right corner of the screenshot attached. However the indicator is simply to capture and report pivoting across all time frames based on the semaphore indicator (as pictured).

It will:

cover time frames M1 – MN

Display the current semaphore level (based on closed candle) per time frame e.g. level 1, 2, or 3

Show by arrow or colour if a current semaphore is an up or down semaphore

Allow an option to alert on new pivoting – but not a general alert rather one that can be set to a specific time frame or time frames (e.g. either set to all time frames, selected time frames, or a single time frame at a time)

Similar to the market price (bold number in the market price indictor in the shot) show the current market clearing price (pivot or semaphore price) for a selected time frame (e.g. one can set it to report H4 in bold number or D1 or H1 depending on ones trade frame).

I sincerely feel this would be a most useful and important indicator and indeed one more crucial than moving averages etc because clearly everything lags a pivot and these semaphores by their structure report the nested structure of pivots across the market. The ability to look at a panel and see this position from any time frame and for all time frames will be an immense edge because if one can read that then market orientation and grasp of directional movements would be most natural and the lagging indicators such as MA’s and oscillators etc will make a lot more sense because when read because – You can anticipate the market already by the system of pivots in place.

I do sincerely hope a coder would oblige me as I am desperate for this tool – but since I am no coder cannot envisage the level of difficulty involved as apparently it might be incredibly complicated coding or some other difficulty that may have prevented such an obvious need ever being attempted. Thanks in advance to any coder able to generate this Indicator. Merry Xmas to all

Darkdoji, there is a indicator similar to what your looking for but using non lag zig zag, can find it here: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/general might be a place to start.

Darkdoji, there is a indicator similar to what your looking for but using non lag zig zag, can find it here: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/general might be a place to start.

Most obliged Mrtools and let me first thank you especially for the work you and Mladen did on the BBB - it is simply fantastic (one day when I get this tool I now seek and combine it with the others to reach the market modelling goals I have pursued for some time now I might be justified to come here and outline why the B^3 (and others in combination) is pure genius but of course everyone knows its measurements are by far more accurate and therefore more usable and much more dependable than the regular BB). However, I checked your lead on my current search and it will not do.

You see all that is required is to capture the pivoting of ranked semaphores (levels 1,2,3) as they occur across the feed and report them in that simple panel like format similar to the Market Price Indicator format as described in my post. If I tried to explain the whole setup it would take a book. But in short there is a view that the market is a mathematically chaotic system (just like the weather, GDP growth, etc) and as such fractal in structure with price evolving by persistent cyclic trends of which no two cycles are the same ever (across all dimensions of market time from minus to plus infinity this is true with implications – calling into question the notion of price patterns and so many aspects currently assumed to define effective trading). Now for all the complexities in that view it actually reduces to the market clearing model in economics (or something pretty close to it) and from my studies so far electronically traded markets therefore are easily represented by semaphores as such (set to a scale based on the principle of scale invariance or the power law in math such as to make all time frames directly integrated by making more explicit their fractal structure and such that they can be read as a unit since in fact the market is an indivisible whole time frames being just delineations of convenience). This way we can isolate the cycles and phases of those cycles important to current flows (which because of the fractal structure of the market present as a nested system within and across time frames such that to really read the market accurately and understand (time) information from lagging tools like oscillators etc you need to take in the whole picture (based the cyclic make up presenting) – anticipate the market and then assess your actions against your readings and the timings rendered by the lagging tools). In effect the market is in this view predictable for defined cycles or phases of such (much like the weather is predictable for defined cycles but not over extended time).

I know this is too long but this is the sort of thing I want to progress (and curse myself for lacking coding skills and no time to relearn – did try to when I was much younger but hell – other things came up and anyway I just had not the acumen I guess). Anyway I hope I have been able to outline what the issues are and how this information presented in the sense and format could help define and determine far more fundamental actions accurately – at least far more so than say setting up a system based on some oscillator or such. Once again really sorry for the length of this – but these are pretty radical ideas and may not be main stream. I am trying to work to the answer here using a mix of existing technical tools to make it simple for me to read and trade the market based on the chaotic principles that underpin it and the fractal geometry that defines its dynamics. Lets not be mistaken though – the market is not complex at all – it is just that its basic cell – buy/sell – is repeated over and over again in waves and waves of orders over every moment of market time that such recursive actions in turn define a dynamical fractal structure. Fractals afterall are simple forms repeated endlessly. The pivoting captured in the way proposed enables a trader to see the market as it functions and lays it open to far more accurate interpretations and timing.

and no time to relearn

You can save time by writing less


Thanks for this indi!

Dan have this one.

Thank you Mrtools!

it's great, i just have to set the email alert function in mt4!


Hi mrtools. Thanks for the indi (4 time frame heiken ashi smothed + alerts nmc)

Just wanted to ask whether its possible to get only one time alert for above indicator. As I was checking, it seems that alert comes every 5 mins even though same alerts has come 5 mins back and there is no actual change in price.

If possible please help!!

thank you!

Hi mrtools. Thanks for the indi (4 time frame heiken ashi smothed + alerts nmc)

Just wanted to ask whether its possible to get only one time alert for above indicator. As I was checking, it seems that alert comes every 5 mins even though same alerts has come 5 mins back and there is no actual change in price.

If possible please help!!

thank you!


Find the line that goes like this :

if (previousAlert != doWhat || previousTime != Time[0]) {

and replace it with this :

if (previousAlert != doWhat) {


Thanks a lot mrtools. its working!!!

I have 3 more queries.

1 - Is it possible to get the alert at close of candle? (a bit basic question as am new in MT4)

2 - what does alertLevel do? - what I have understood is that if set to 3 then whenever 3 TFs are of same color, it will alert me. Is that correct?

3 - Is it possible edit MTF to 2 or max 3? Basically I need only 2TF, i.e. 5M & 15M and alert when colors are same at close of 5M candle.

thanks again!



Thanks a lot mrtools. its working!!!

I have 3 more queries.

1 - Is it possible to get the alert at close of candle? (a bit basic question as MT4 is new for me)

2 - what does alertLevel do? - what I have understood is that if set to 3 then whenever 3 TFs are of same color, it will alert me. Is that correct?

3 - Is it possible edit MTF to 2 or max 3? Basically I need only 2TF, i.e. 5M & 15M and alert when colors are same at close of 5M candle.

thanks again!


Thanks a lot mrtools. its working!!!

I have 3 more queries.

1 - Is it possible to get the alert at close of candle? (a bit basic question as MT4 is new for me)

2 - what does alertLevel do? - what I have understood is that if set to 3 then whenever 3 TFs are of same color, it will alert me. Is that correct?

3 - Is it possible edit MTF to 2 or max 3? Basically I need only 2TF, i.e. 5M & 15M and alert when colors are same at close of 5M candle.

thanks again!



1. It is possible but not on a 4 time frame indicator (imagine this : 1 minute bar closed 1 minute ago, and 1 month bar closed 1 month ago - would not make too much sense)

2. The number of different time frames that are showing the same state

3. Set the time frames to same time frame (for example 2 to one time frame and 2 to another time frame( and then you can combine how many time frames you wish to see