I need 50 pip on day - page 7


50 pips a day, just like someone said, focus on your trading not on a daily target.

50 pips a day, just like someone said, focus on your trading not on a daily target.

The main thing that we have to look for and understand is that on a daily basis we may not be able to achieve these targets.

But then when we keep a weekly trading target then it can quite easily be achieved by us


Hi guys,

I have traded in one thing or another, since 1975.

I used the BBC EOD numbers for the FTSE 100 on the World service, & plotted my own charts on graph paper.

As better data became available, & 'computers' arrived, I moved up to a Sinclair ZX 88, I still have it !

Now I trade using Metatrader, & I truly believe it is the best available....& it's free.

But only recently have I begun making REAL profits...the secret, I moved away from pip counting, & moved to a 1 min TF, using a cash value as my TP. Totally against the vast majority of opinion in this game.

I now trade at £2 a pop which gives me £20 a pip win/loss. I have a target of 5 pips (£100), & today I had seven wins & no losers.

I trade ONLY pull backs

Try it & maybe you will turn your life around.


Frequently we the traders are familiar with that Forex is online bottom business and it is opened for 24 hours, so I think it is possible to carry on this business as a student.


Without learning in this trading stage, your condition can consider as like a ship in the sea devoid of radar.


In my trading career, I have come into Forex due to having many life changing opportunities. Actually, it is a business platform where it is possible to make huge money that you want.


Why do people think they trade pips? Psychological trick (that way the pressure is off)?

Why do people think they trade pips? Psychological trick (that way the pressure is off)?

Well the real fact is that as a Forex traders we have to think about making some good income thru our trading


Why do you need 50 pips? What is the daily take you require, & why do you not use a cash take? It's far easier to concentrate on cash rather than pips.

Ray Cooper:
As a regular trader, I am able to earn 50 pips daily by means of trading policy scalping. Due to getting very rapidly I have been using this short time trading strategy from my first day of trading. Practically, this trading policy can’t be used in a regulated trading platform because of having many kinds of restrictions.

Why it "can’t be used in a regulated trading platform because of having many kinds of restrictions."?