100% In 3 Days.


Sorry for the misleading title guys, but I wanted to know your opinion about this:

Assuming one of us Creates a super smart Forex system that makes 100% in 3

days. And assume that this system is posted here and now.

I have worked on the forex for over 3 years to perfect my systems( I am nowhere near 100% in 3 days) - now - assume that some new guy who just Googled something got to this forum and without any effort at all he downloaded a magical ea and made a 10000000$...

Is this fair? I think not !!!

Would we all benefit from getting the amazing system = no - because - if everyone had it - The forex would crumble , and everyone would lose money.

My plea is mainly to the forex forum administrators :

1) I think that if you get such a system - you should remove it immediately from the forum for the beneft of us all.

2) All the Americans here would talk about freedom of expression etc.....but just note that if such a system would be created and everyone will have it AMERICA would CRUMBLE into a hugh defecit and a world war could start (history teaches us that).

I think that the forum is great, but here and especially here , all those of us who invested a hugh amount of time and effort should not be punished by spreading amazing systems, which would only be counterproductive as illustrated above.

What do you think ?


Half Right

first off, no system can be 100% profitable and making money ALL the time.

i have a system that is 100% profitable, the only thing is it only makes one trade per year.

people may know a system/ea works....just like many trading strategies out there that works..

but people lack discipline to implement them

just like what Gartley says in his book


There is no such system

I agree with previous post, there is no such system that will be 100% all the time. on this forum you will find some system that remain 100% for few days or even weeks and then they start having losses.

I agree that if system is good and constantly makes profit and if made public, will eventually fail once everyone start using it.

And don't forget there are big fish that will not allow any system to crumble the whole forex market.


I agree with previous post, there is no such system that will be 100% all the time. on this forum you will find some system that remain 100% for few days or even weeks and then they start having losses.

I agree that if system is good and constantly makes profit and if made public, will eventually fail once everyone start using it.

And don't forget there are big fish that will not allow any system to crumble the whole forex market.


wow, many point of views. thanks and keep doing statement like that ( very usefull for everyones). Pedro Echenagucia


I agree as well.

Nobody will do it with real money because:

- it is very risky;

- it depends on the market condition;

- trading on demo account and trading with real money are very different psychologically;

- it is necessary to know the threory and to have good trading technique;

- MM;

- every trader is having his own trading system. It is impossible to create the system for everybody. Because we all are different and having the different characters, habits and so on. Each trader is adapting the system to himself.

- every broker (or "big fish") will make money protecting himself from such "a successful trader".

- trading system is not human being. It is some indicators all together. Trading system is not doing anything. Man is trading. And sometimes his trading skills depend on his feeling in the morning (my skills for example).

And it is useless on demo account as well.

Ask trader who did 100% in 3 days to repeat it many times on demo account: trader may repeat it 2 or 3 times but one very small mistake may be enough to lose whole deposit.

There are normal trading technique and risky trading technique.

It depends on how to trade.


Besides, as Igor has mentioned, there isn't a system that can do something utterly human: instantly recognize market conditions within a few seconds.

Most experienced Forex traders can look at a chart and know more or less what the prevailing market conditions are, IE: trending, ranging, flat, or choppy. As far as I know there isn't any commercially available software that can do that. That's not to say that some day in the future there won't be such software, I just don't see it in my lifetime.

As to the general state of chaos that would ensue from such a system, I have very strong reservations about that point of view. Most worthwhile endeavors have a flood of teams working on it, and they also know other real players. The software that would provide the market recognition ability wouldn't stay a secret for too long. There would shortly be competing software with the main goal of executing good trades, and a secondary goal of "tricking" the competing software into bad trades. Competition is an ever-present fact of our world, and one I'm glad for.

One more thing to consider: The commercial ties between many government and multi-national concerns are so wide and deep, attention would immediately follow anybody using such software. Measures would be taken and roadblocks thrown up. Competing services would spring up overnight.

The real danger: If "thinking machines" do take over the Forex market, it will make it impossible for the small trader to participate. The days of the solitary trader carving out his little niche of the market would soon be over.



Trading is like Life itself, it has its ups and its downs. Life has always been rhythmic and it always will be rhythmic. Trading has always been rhythmic and will always be rhythmic for as long as markets are around and human beings are making a decision whether to buy or sell when looking at their charts. When more traders buy the rhythm is upwardish and when more traders sell the rhythm is downwardish, directionally when decisons are mixed the rhythm is mixed and not smooth. Each human being is unique and therefore each of our inner rhythm's are unique, so within that context everybody's "rythmic trading decisions" will never be the same. Balance in life outside of trading is a natural law, balance within the trading field is no different so the law of balance eventually prevails in markets just as it does in nature and in man/woman. Trading is fundamentally a Subjective experience, it has elements of Objectivity but the mind misidentifies the entire field as being objective. Essentially trading provides for you a Mirror of yourself, if you observe your life outside of trading you will see that Life too is simply a mirror reflecting back to you your inner decsions and psycho-emotional makeup, the purpose of which is to become self aware and therefore grow and evolve, it is the same in the trading field of which you are currently engaged and asking pertinent questions. cheers,Goldensight

Besides, as Igor has mentioned, there isn't a system that can do something utterly human: instantly recognize market conditions within a few seconds.

Most experienced Forex traders can look at a chart and know more or less what the prevailing market conditions are, IE: trending, ranging, flat, or choppy. As far as I know there isn't any commercially available software that can do that. That's not to say that some day in the future there won't be such software, I just don't see it in my lifetime.

As to the general state of chaos that would ensue from such a system, I have very strong reservations about that point of view. Most worthwhile endeavors have a flood of teams working on it, and they also know other real players. The software that would provide the market recognition ability wouldn't stay a secret for too long. There would shortly be competing software with the main goal of executing good trades, and a secondary goal of "tricking" the competing software into bad trades. Competition is an ever-present fact of our world, and one I'm glad for.

One more thing to consider: The commercial ties between many government and multi-national concerns are so wide and deep, attention would immediately follow anybody using such software. Measures would be taken and roadblocks thrown up. Competing services would spring up overnight.

The real danger: If "thinking machines" do take over the Forex market, it will make it impossible for the small trader to participate. The days of the solitary trader carving out his little niche of the market would soon be over.



Trading is playing with mathmatical probabilities in real time. Remember that we are Biological computers to a great extent, but limited via our emotional self.

The big invetment houses pray on our stupidity. Just check the spikes.....who do you think "knows" that we know of the great short coming on the usd/chf like yesterday and pushes big money in the opposite direction to burn small stops.....

There are weaknesses in the system which will evaporate in time, however they still exist but not for long.

What I am saying again is :

If someone has an amazing system - please keep it to yourself, and dont try to sell it because it will get decompiled in a few hours. Even KSI defense would not help......

Computers dont have human weaknesses, and a monster trading machine is developped in this forum.........Just see that Newdigital is running 100+ systems in real time on servers.....is that not a trading machine.....see the promo for the elite section......30000 pips a month.....

For the best of us all, Newdigital and other forum administrator , just keep the most amazing stuff / ea's to yourself and dont post the best stuff on the forum - because whatever you get for the Elite section subscription is nothing compared to that!!!


ok kool.

i see your point Gandif.


Don't worry.

If you lose, then it's right .. because you were not enough good!

No one will care how much work you have made or make.

You get so much, how much you are worth.

That's the life rule!

quote Pip Gandalf:


Trading is playing with mathmatical probabilities in real time. Remember that we are Biological computers to a great extent, but limited via our emotional self.

I couldn't disagree more. What about events that are not mathematically quantifiable? Trader sentiment and viewpoint seem to be a strong market-moving force, how do you measure that?

What about rumor and wrong information? A few weeks ago the markets sold the US dollar because they received a rumor (taken as fact) of the replacement for Treasury Secretary Snow. A day after that the White House announced the true nominee, MR. Paulson ....how would you code that into software?

It's ludicrous to think there's an EA that can account for all the influences bearing down on the Forex market. The forces that have ruled the markets for hundreds of years are still with us, and they are very complex human qualities .....how would you code that into software?

Your line "Trading is playing with mathmatical probabilities in real time" doesn't describe trading at all. Let me say there's so much more to trading than that. Perhaps we should call this thread "The EA that took over the world." LOL
