National Forums/Websites/Sources - page 14


trying to make money online from 0$ blog

im haveing to find sources of money else were , so iv started a blog ,

the blog has just started on the 25/09/09

so at the moment teh only venture is adsense , im trying to build that up to be able to have some starting capital , or atleast get the most out of that before i move on to a new system to generate money online.

i will take any suggestions ...

this blog makes money for me , although very little at the moment , if you visit it click on a add on the side , they are adsense from google and when you do they give me money ...

the blog will show my quest to make a living from the internet , investments , money making schemes every thing

if you have any suggestions on ways to do so please pm me , and i might place it on the blog ...


help this guy!

help this guy! donating some of our profits to charity!

Donates one euro for permet study


great trading website

i've come across this great trading website run by a couple of guys that know their stuff, i thought i'd just share with you, i went in the chat and the guys are pretty nice, they share their strategies there and talk about forex.

i hope you have a chance to check them out, i'm very happy with their free service :-) and will stick with them!


Tell me about friendlytraders

Friendlytraders seems to have threads about just every forex system out there.

Does this site sell pirated software or what is the deal? I tried to join but the administrator never wrote me back.


Currensee - The facebook of forex?

Anyone traders @ currensee?

I just signed up, its basically a fx related version of facebook.

Its free thankfully, and has a neat little dashboard at the front, as well as statistics as to how you compare to others/what others are doing and discussions about pairs etc.

Its fairly interesting, and they have gone to alot of work to get the statistics. They even have mt4 scripts to put in so it uploads your trading stats itself.

For those who are interested the link is Currensee | Trade Together, if you want to be added to my trading team (i.e like being friends on facebook) pm me. I am basically trying to get a big trading team up for more statistics.


All Information About Forex

hi may visit Forex Market Outloook | Forex Analysis Recommendation for all information about forex...

good luck !


Nice site. A lot of information. I'll take a good look at it.



Google Wave and trading ?


I test skype rooms for talking about trades and sharing files and pics is not so easy. So I decide

I will start a google wave room ( of course free) and try if it is better to share trading and ideas.

Note : NO I do not have any Google invite for you so found one by your own.

Send me a message on forex-tsd to get my Google wave account name.

Cheers ...