How to start with elite section


First of all the members need to understand the structure of this public forum and structure of this elite section. Our forum is very big and this elite section is not small as well. It will take a time.

1. Read the Codersguru lessons. Even if advanced user or programmer:

- How to start with MetaTrader and forex.

- and


And there are some usefull threads as well:




2. Structure of this elite section is the following:

2.1. Manual trading systems and indicators:

Within this section we are having elite indicators' thread and some other very good threads and trading systems: for example - elite section indicators links thread

2.2. Portfolio and brokers:

It is portfolio threads and thread with discussion about brokers. About portfolio please read 1st post of this thread

2.3. EAs:

Almost all elite section EAs were connected with RAS so you can see the performance and trade.

Within EAs section:

2.3.1. threads with EAs explanations: charts, files, how to attach, settings, questions, problems etc (each EA is having separate thread);

2.3.2. threads with EAs' performing analysis.

2.3.3. EAs files' thread

2.3.4. discussion thread.

2.3.5. usefull links/threads/tools.

Please note: everything which may be important is posted on files' thread, usefull links/threads/tools and updating almost every day. So please check this files' thread and usefull links/threads/tools periodically.

3. MM. Some EAs are having MM inside the code.

4. Brokers. We have very good thread about the brokers.

Discussion about brokers are on portfolio section.

5. We are testing many EAs. And many EAs were created inside this forum. And will be created i think. Please note: we are testing just some of them. Usually the people do not need all of them: just select some EAs. So it is nothing for cpu.

6. Pre-set files. If cpu is crushing the computer is re-starting and normally all the Metatraders are opened once again with the same settings. Besides we have pre-set files (settings files) for almost all EAs. This files and how to use them everybody may find in the respective EAs' thread in this elite section. To protect the cpu I am not installing many copies of Metatrader in one computer.

If people want to understand everything and to follow everything just for one hour or one day - it is fully impossible. I may repeat: this forum is very big forum and this elite section is big one as well. Try to search, visit the threads, search normally as i am doing for example

7. Decision making concerning the EAs.

EAs should be tested (forward test). How long?

We will not take any decision accoding to backtesting results.

After 2 or 3 months forward testing (on demo account) we may have some opinion about EAs. After half a year forward testing elite section members may detalized the opinion. How long the EA should be tested for us to say: this EA is profitable? From half a year to one year or more. So it is not very quick process. Some people say: look, this EA is profiable because I tested it for one week. I may say that one week is nothing. And one month is nothing. We are using one week results just to understand how the EA opened the orders and how many losses it may be in the future.


As many people asked so just want to remind about this thread

Elite section thread about how to unsubscribe with some usefull information posted by members. And read this post as well

Just want to make attention to this post once again.


Just for information about this thread

Look at this:

If you want to download the performance in excel, or statements updated weekly so the 1st post of this thread is right place. But if you want to download EAs updated or recent versions so do not look at the attachments at the first post of this thread

All the links to download were inside the posts of the thread as the posts. For example, Scalp_net EAs are on this post and so on.

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We have two main problems/tasks/questions in this section. All the question/tasks were suggested by elite sections members:

1. we will create the template/indicators for all the EAs to trade manually and to understand how/why particular EA is openning orders. And for the improvements of EA. I already created many templates to trade the systems manually instead of EAs. For example, we can trade manually by indicators the following: Scalp_net, easyLMA, 10p3v0.03 and sone more.

2. Portfolio. This problems are already solved by having RAS service

RAS elite section thread is here.

Section about RAS in public is this one:


We are testing some most famious EAs (just few of them).

Besides we are testing EAs which were developed inside this forum.

And please do not try to understand everything just for one day because impossible. Need to spend a lot of time in public section and in this elite section just to understand what the people doing here.


If the members are having difficulties to find something in elite section so please read the following.

And about structure of elite section you may read here.

So everybody just need 6 threads only:

- EA files' thread: EAs, settings, timeframes and so on.

- Indicators files thread with very good indicators coded for elite section only.

- usefull links/threads/tools thread.

- how to start with elite: structure of elite section.

- weekly/daily performance - see RAS website

- total leaders thread: total pips + statements.

- and so some exotic EAs and cases - here and here.

Any other threads in elite section are optional. For example there is the thread about EAs with real account performance. The link is given on those 5 thread. Or almost every EA is having separated thread here but using one of the 5 threads we may find everything.


how to read the statements

I am posting the statements in pips, in deposit currency, for EAs with timefilter, for close trades only, for open trades only, by pairs and so on.

Link to download the statements are located on the first post of this thread after the words "Now this link is ...".

The excel files with the performance are attached to the first post of this thread

Statememts and excel files are updated every week.

Some comments for my statements. All the statements are understandable because the statements named like that.

- if you see the word "week" in the name of my statement so it means: weekly statement (statement for the week).

- "pips" means statement in pips.

- "open": statement for the open trades to know which trades are open in the time of statement creating. You may see time stamp on each statement.

- "dollars": statement in deposit currency.

- "total": statement from the beginning of the testing period or from the account creating.

- "tf": timefilter.

- usdjpy": statement for usdjpy.

So, if we have name of the statement like this:


it means the following: it is the statement in pips for USDJPY for EA with timefilter for open trades only.

The next example:


It means the following: it is the statement for all closed trades for the week in pips for USDJPY for EA without timefilter.

If you prefer to see equity/balance/floating drawdown and so on daily/weekly by pairs in usual way - so read this thread


You don't need hundreds of pages. You need the following:

- RAS website

- the statements (see 1st post in files' thread for updated link): all the statements are updated weekly and sorted by systems. And you have all the performance sorted in pips, deposit currency, close trades, open trades, weekly statemens, statement from the beginning of the testing 9since january 2006 for example) and so on.

- Besides some systems are listed in excel file (see 1st post in files' thread for attachment updated weekly).

- Total leaders thread (last post).

- And there are the threads for almost every EA to discuss all particularities to use it with different brokers.


Where to get results:

- excel files (in zip file). It is this post in attachments (there is Firebird with tf as well). I update this excel zip files every Sunday.

- statements. The same post. In the end of this post you may find the words: "Now this link is here." Click on word "here" and you may download all sorted statements. I am updating this link every Sunday. The statements are sorted by systems. For example, you may see Firebird folder with all the statements including Firebird with timefilter. Besides this post may be usefull as well: how to read the statements.

- Almost every EA is having separated thread in elite section. How to find this thread? Go to sticky files thread and find link about your desirable EA and you may go to the thread.

- links thread (sticky thread) is here. It is about everything except EAs. It is very usefull thread especially if we need to find something on the forum.

- Weekly performance, Daily performance, Weekly winners and Daily winners - see RAS website

- Total Leaders thread. It is profitable EAs from the beginning of the testing period. Resulting pips.

Besides, there are dicsusion thread , Requests & Ideas thread and please don't forget about Portfolio section (2 threads) as all backtesting results are posting on those section.

About how to unsubscribe from elite section and how to start with elite section:

There is thread about EAs and real money trading (see links thread).


The best system is the system you are comfortable with. You should like the system (concerning to your trading style, deposit size, risk and so on). Most of the people are looking at the great profit in pips but it is just first imagination. Later on they will move to the systems they like and they understand.


Some people are confusing and asking: 'why we need to read too many pages in total leaders and so on?"

We don't need to read many pages.

We need just the following:

- last 2 pages in Total Leaders thread (thread is updating every week),

- Results in RAS website: (updating daily and sometime - in real time live),

- files thread - few pages (thread is updated weekly).

- links thread - few pages (updated daily).

- What is new weekly in public and elite - updated weekly - you jst need last 2 posts.

- And for some people who are trading manually or constructing the trading systems so they may look at the first page of Elite Indicators thread.

It may be quite enough to start and to select any EA for your own monitoring/questions and so on. I mean: we may select 2 or 3 EA we like to watch the results, ask the questions, ask for improvements and so on.

Every EA is having separated thread. Besides, few big projects were started inside elite section (started in very slowly way, sorry):

- EA switcher (did not start on to active development),

- market condition tool (active developing with good results/indicators posted incl market condition coides developed). See this thread


- NewsTrader/SignalTrader EAs/trading signals: few indicators/EAs were developed here (elite section thread) and and

Besides I started public signal service (it was started and I will continue soon after some break).

Some project was already finished: RAS.

And we are having some very good manual trading systems developed inside elite section.

There are discussion thread here

So any member may say about which EA he/she wants to see (so EA may be developed if many people are interested) - for example - scalper and so on.