Coding help - page 369

Hi guys,

i have a small question for all the coders out there.. can somebody tell how to write in mq4 a nRoot of a number..we all know if i want to make a square root of a value i write: MathSqrt(value); but how to write a cubic or a higher root of a value?

Thanks all!

Pls clearer presentation your problem.

I think i can help.

Pls clearer presentation your problem. I think i can help.

Thanks daigv for your reply

so in mq4 if i want to calculate the square root of a value i use: MathSqrt(value); this will return the square root of value..

i need to calculate the cubic root or even the nth root of a value but there is no such function in mql.. do you know how i can do this?


maybe i can do like this: MathPow(value,1.0/n).. it should be the same thing! paying attention that MathPow only accept double values...thats why i put 1.0, and the n should be considered as a double too.. so for example the cubic root of 10 = MathPow(10,1.0/3.0);

am i correct?

maybe i can do like this: MathPow(value,1.0/n).. it should be the same thing! paying attention that MathPow only accept double values...thats why i put 1.0, and the n should be considered as a double too.. so for example the cubic root of 10 = MathPow(10,1.0/3.0); am i correct?

Yes, you are correct

But why not putting simply MathPow(10,0.5) for example? That way no need for a division before the argument is used in the power function

Yes, you are correct But why not putting simply MathPow(10,0.5) for example? That way no need for a division before the argument is used in the power function

Got it! thank you mladen!


dear friend,

i need some modification from standart bollinger band with detail like picture:

the value is from london open ( could be set timer), and from any of pair

thank you very much for your help

bb_time.png  31 kb

Dear coding experts,please help me with my expert adviser, i need to change from 4 digit to 5 digit price feeding,minimum lot size 1-100,and expert start to open trade follow the current signal of indicator, close trade and reverse as soon as signal is changed, tnank you very much!


I hav attach the pics of the warning here, I dont want us to underestamate this warning that why I emplore you to use your experience to rerun the code I attached along with the image.thanks

Mastercash What warnings is it giving you?
I hav attach the pics of the warning here, I dont want us to underestamate this warning that why I emplore you to use your experience to rerun the code I attached along with the image.thanks

Those warnings removed : newnicetrader_1.03.mq4

Dear coding experts,please help me with my expert adviser, i need to change from 4 digit to 5 digit price feeding,minimum lot size 1-100,and expert start to open trade follow the current signal of indicator, close trade and reverse as soon as signal is changed, tnank you very much!


That is not an expert adviser at all. That is just and empty template