Coding help - page 353


PS: the C/C++ source of the first version of libSSA.dll was posted here :

After that I made a new one (significantly faster and even shorter - even though the dll is larger : that is due to the compiler options) but the source of that was not published. Anyway, it calculates exactly the same values as any SSA should and all the remarks about recalculation are valid for the newest libssa.dll too (and any valid ssa)



So, if I set the number of computations to 1 it doesn't recalculate ..

Hmm, mine is set to 2.

Settings are : lag 10, comp. 2, periodnorm. 10, ssama mode 3, maperiod 5, ma mode 3.

For me, these settings work very well, I don't care if it recalculates, if my other indies tell me the same thing, I'm ready to go ...

The SSA just gives me an early 'alert' what might happen with the price and I like that.

PS: the C/C++ source of the first version of libSSA.dll was posted here : After that I made a new one (significantly faster and even shorter - even though the dll is larger : that is due to the compiler options) but the source of that was not published. Anyway, it calculates exactly the same values as any SSA should and all the remarks about recalculation are valid for the newest libssa.dll too (and any valid ssa)

So, if I understand, the 'new' libSSA.dll is better than the first, but was never used ???

Or is it ?

So, if I understand, the 'new' libSSA.dll is better than the first, but was never used ??? Or is it ?

If I am right, you are using it right now

First version had 9K in size. New version is 80K in size (that one is the one that is used in almost all occasions - but that is the one for which I never made public the source code - the dll is everywhere by now)


Yep, that's right, my computer tells me a size of 79K, so that should be it.

Anyway, I will try to add the alerts my self.

If I do not succeed, I'll come back or leave it like it is.

Thanks for the info.


Hi Mastercash,

Thanks for the screen shot.

It confirms what you are saying...but still is confusing why you still get nothing.

Did you add your PRINT and COMMENT statements to track your steps through the EA...?

I just tested it again and it worked somewhere there has to be a clue as to why no results for you...

A quick out-of-the-box to change the Buy/Sell conditions and make them really simple...

You want to make sure the Buy/Sell operations are working fine in your EA...and it may lead you to other clues.

Replace the long Buy/Sell conditions and try something like this to force the Buy/Sell's...

if(High[0] > High[1] ) return(OP_BUY);

if(Low[0] > Low[1) return(OP_SELL);

Best if combined with your PRINT and COMMENT's to see if it's even getting to this Buy/Sell section.

Put them all over the place in the code...they are free...and for testing you can never have too many...

Then share the logs with us later.

Also best if someone else could run and test your EA to confirm it works for them or not...

That way with a third opinion...we know if we are on the right track.

Hope this helps,



So, if I set the number of computations to 1 it doesn't recalculate ..

Hmm, mine is set to 2.

Settings are : lag 10, comp. 2, periodnorm. 10, ssama mode 3, maperiod 5, ma mode 3.

For me, these settings work very well, I don't care if it recalculates, if my other indies tell me the same thing, I'm ready to go ...

The SSA just gives me an early 'alert' what might happen with the price and I like that.


I did not tell that SSA will not recalculate if number of computations is set to 1. There is no such thing as non-recalculating SSA (even end-pointed SSA uses that recalculating SSA in order to get a non-recalculating result)


Strange that you get a non-recalculating result by using something that recalculates.

No, that's not strange at all, when I say something without thinking (so I'm not ' recalculating'), I may get a bad response or a bad result (maybe an alert ...)

When I do think before I speak (so I do recalculate) I may get a good (in this case a non-recalculating) result !


Hello Mladen, could you combine these indicators into one.

Hello Mladen, could you combine these indicators into one.

Hello DMNIK, Center of Gravity 1 is a decompiled indicator.